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US General Domestic Politics #12 Begin 12/12/20


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2 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

Trump looked pretty calm and sane yesterday when he said that he would not sign the current farce of a covid relief bill unless changes were made to it. Your problem is that you believe all the stupid propaganda put out by Democrats and the news media. You are the one who is cracking up. You can't handle a real debate because your mind is too simple and devoid of the ability to reason. You're comments are nothing more than a collection of Democrat talking points and left wing news media propaganda.

it would really be nice if you could leave oppositeland for a moment occasionally. but it's apparent that you are completely hopeless.


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2 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

Looks like the Swamp is back in charge. There were millions of dollars for Pakistan, Ukraine, Sudan, Sri Lanka, Palestine,Vietnam and on; but only $600 for American citizens. The American piggy bank is open to the world again. Did Canada get left out of the money give away by the Swamp?

you are totally braindead.

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2 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

And that's what will happen to the rest of us if the Climate Czar John Kerry can impose his climate saving policies on the U.S.:cry:

earth to ridge & spying & the rest of the cult. 1st of all the restrictions on indoor gatherings are so that the virus won't spread as easily. 2nd anyone who doesn't understand that is a total idiot.

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omg! dear leader was right! voter fraud all over the place...........BY REPUBLICANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Bruce Bartman, 70, told investigators he acted in an attempt to further President Trump’s campaign. He was charged with perjury and...


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