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B4 Girls & Couples On Vacation - General Topic 2020 #38 (December)

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Happy Xmas everybody and what a Xmas present we’ve been given with Aleksandra; she is a tasty dish and a welcome addition to the menu. Only saw her standing up to Bogdan in the kitchen on Replay (a feisty one) as well as her displaying her pussy fur on the bed 🤪 so all in all a promising future ahead hopefully 👍

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je pense qu'Aleksandra, n'a pas voulu, participer au "spectacle" d'où les mots présentés ici avec N, qui est allée se plaindre chez B, et ensuite la comédie à continuer, mais A, ne s 'est pas dégonflée, j'ai apprécié, j'aime les gens contre toutes formes d'autorités, mais j'ai peur que le gentil B, si serviable, si désintéressé par les autres filles, un moine, quoi, lui fasse payer , sa mutinerie, je soutiens A? COURAGE 👍💋

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23 minutes ago, LUCKY2962 said:

I think Aleksandra, did not want, to participate in the 'show' hence the words presented here with N, who went to complain to B, and then the comedy to continue, but A, did not deflated, I appreciated, I love people against all forms of authority, but I'm afraid that the nice B, so helpful, so disinterested in other girls, a monk, what, make him pay, his mutiny , I support A? COURAGE 👍💋

Sorry, I don't understand.

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4 hours ago, Aussie_oi_oi said:

Sorry, I don't understand.

He is saying basically that Aleksandra didn't want to be a part of shows and Nelly wasn't happy about that so she went to Bogdan to moan about that but will Bogdan who is so disinterested in girls (hint of sarcasm from Lucky) will take Aleksandra's side and will be ok if she doesn't wanna be part of shows.

Then Lucky says that he admires Aleksandra for standing against any sort of authority.

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Aleksandra a une chatte à l 'ancienne pas rasée ça ne va pas arrangé les choses avec Lucky ..... il doit être raide fou derrière son écran en regardant ce trésor .... Bogdan va prendre cher dans les heures à venir si il la regarde 

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4 hours ago, moreau said:

Aleksandra a une chatte à l 'ancienne pas rasée ça ne va pas arrangé les choses avec Lucky ..... il doit être raide fou derrière son écran en regardant ce trésor .... Bogdan va prendre cher dans les heures à venir si il la regarde 

Just wait till Lucky loses his patience when Bogdan starts eyeing up Aleksandra in the fitness room 😁

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