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Angela is Richard91

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Guest schickschack

Man i don't know what the hell is going on there. And google translate isn't helping either.

Could you guys/girls at least try to post the english translation below your texts?

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As proof to those who doubt that this is actually her, she was sleeping not long ago, and her post didn't show up until she got on her computer.


Yep, convinced me... NOT!

What's to prevent a paying member typing a message as soon as they see her on the computer?

Very nice bum though, wouldn't mind more of that.

The only way you will convince a lot of people is to actually see the screen as she types a message.

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зачем это

Много следит, Анджела, что Рихард91 это не ты. Это доказательство как ты пишешь на лаптопе: "не могу мне больно".

Ты делаш буквенные ошибки в словах и компьютерные переводчики не умеют переводить твои тексты на английский.

Кстати сказать, ты почему пригласила Пашку, который страшно хотел секса с тобой? У тебя нет падруги, которая была бы более хорошая на его месте?

Я никогда не был способный понять русской души.

What is this?

Many, Angela, thinks that Richard91 isn't you. It is evidence that you are typing on the laptop: "не могу мне больно".

You are making letter errors in words and computer translators aren't able to translate your texts into English.

à propos say, why you invited Pasha which very much wanted the sex with you? Don't you have a friend which would be better instead of it?

I was never gifted to understand the Russian soul.

к сожалению подруги одна с детьми другая по другим причинам не может ,я бы  с большим удовольствием хотела чтоб приехали подруги а не он ,но в тот момент это единственная поддержка была и он обещал не приставать ко мне

unfortunately one girlfriend with children, other for other reason cannot, very so that I satisfy if only girlfriends rather than he arrived, but in this moment it is a former only help and he promised not to sex with me

Некоторый хотели на этом форуме, чтобы ты помахала к камере, это поверят, что Рихард91 это ты.

Some on this forum would like so that you wave them to the camera, in order to believe Richard91 is you.

мне нельзя вы что и сообщения я свои сча буду стирать все тк я не имею права сейчас тут писать

I have not allowed to write here and I will be erasing my messages

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Wave to the camera?  Well that would be easy to miss if not looking.  Someone suggested put a vase or jar on top of the refrigerator.  That stays there and will be seen by all.  Lets just make it a bottle - a bottle that all can see.

If the bottle is on the refrigerator then that use is her.  Very easy and simple for her to do.  If she is on this site - posting and reading then I would hope she would do this easy thing for all of us.  We all want it to be her and all want to help her.  She can just help us a little here too.

For the person or people on this board who actually communicate with her - just as her to do this.

No one  on this board should have any issue with requesting this.  It does not offend her on any way. 

Until it happens - do not believe it. 

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now talking but not because of a bottle, it is today or at the latest tomorrow morning outside. It has, if she really was here in the forum, not even adopted. We WRTEN it and see what happens with the apartment. Maybe come in

5 weeks new persohnen for 14 days.

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