Buster Posted February 20, 2014 Posted February 20, 2014 Subject says it. I just noticed they removed her apt from the list. Anyone know if this is going to be permanent or not?
teufel Posted February 20, 2014 Posted February 20, 2014 ichhabe me at rlc complained that the house was closed and asked when it will open again, but would have them collected with her girlfriend angela, I think we would have had a lot of fun. If I get answer I sign
magekiller Posted February 20, 2014 Posted February 20, 2014 too bad she is gone. she was fun to watch, has more personality than all the other women combined.
trickydick Posted February 20, 2014 Posted February 20, 2014 yeah great afternoon of her friend in the bath now gone, sux I would like to see a couple of apartments where there is no 'couple', just random girls as flatmates that would be awesome.
corboblanc Posted February 20, 2014 Posted February 20, 2014 Me, I do not understand! I lie there for a few hours watching them out when I wake up I'll see if they are back, and oops, more apartment!!! RLC really problems with the apartment st petersburg ... but this time I did not understand what had been done angela to be fired? It represented my main connections to RLC!
Guest friedel Posted February 20, 2014 Posted February 20, 2014 Melde mich auch mal wieder. Jetzt is es wieder der alt trott. Alte paare wieder vereint, und was wird draus, gar nichts. Leora kann man vergessen fühl sich nur wohl wenn paul seinen kleinen schwanz an ihren schenkel reibt, Lora kann man verstehen sie ist schwanger und braucht ihre ruhe. Nora die verstecken sich und sind im wohnzimmer kaum noch zu sehen, Alina kommt mit den neuen kameras einstellungen nich zu recht. Ist ein hüpsches mädchen. Isabel ist nymphomanin die hat ihn lieber drinn als draußen. Alma lebt sich in ihrer freundschaft auseinander Jetzt zu meinen Paar was sich grundsätzlich verändert hat. Die fröhligkeit fehlt bei den beiden sehr. Was haben die mal gealbert und lust und laune ausgespüht jetzt nur noch der computer. Bekommt man flache ärsche von. Wundert mich so und so das sie heute zu hause geblieben ist und nich bei ihren schwarm igor ist, wo sie sich immer bei ihrer schwester treffen. Und für solchen scheiß soll man zahlen,nie mehr. RLC sollte schwung bringen und alle paare mal auswechseln. Angela hat es gemacht, schade das sie weg ist. Das ist meine meihnung und was andere denken ist mir voll egal bis demnächst
nikonx2 Posted February 20, 2014 Posted February 20, 2014 I don't think they know what they are doing with this apartment. With it being fully locked though, I'm just curious if they are going to lock out the rest once the tenants change. For instance, Laura and Max will probably be gone soon as I doubt they will stay with a child in the home. So will be interesting to see if they lock it out once the new tenants move in.
JoJoGunne Posted February 20, 2014 Posted February 20, 2014 Me, I do not understand! I lie there for a few hours watching them out when I wake up I'll see if they are back, and oops, more apartment!!! RLC really problems with the apartment st petersburg ... but this time I did not understand what had been done angela to be fired? It represented my main connections to RLC! To me, it is very simple. There needs to be a couple in the apartment. I would guess that Angela was not able to find someone to join her so, from RLC's point of view, she had to go.
corboblanc Posted February 20, 2014 Posted February 20, 2014 yo creo que el motivo de cerrar no ha sido que estaba sola , yo he visto sola a lora varios dias incluso isabel y marcelo varios dias sin estar en el piso , yo creo que ha incumplido las reglas y por eso esta fuera , escribir en el foro , borracheras , la amiga y el amigo en la ducha podrian denunciar si no hay un contrato de por medio y quien sabe que mas, han preferido evitar problemas y cerrar la casa . I do not think we saw a lot of guest in the shower, and isabel completely drunk, no longer able to stand. the angela celibacy should not count either, because even alone, it was she who had the most viewership members rlc. I always think that angela was gogo dancer or escort! maybe his ouster is cause by its "occupation"?
Rhdem Posted February 20, 2014 Posted February 20, 2014 i think the answer is on the video of guest bath... she repeatedly watching the cam and at 6.24 min she clearly sends a signal
Guest Squirrel Posted February 20, 2014 Posted February 20, 2014 I'm not sure RLC is to blame. I get the idea that Angela & Valera were both uncomfortable with the situation, did not adjust well to the new life style, and she probably backed out of the deal willingly. Some times things work out, and some times you just have to give up. Too bad. She looked like great fun and would have been a much beloved addition to RLC.
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