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US General Domestic Politics #5 Begins 02/15/21.

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52 minutes ago, letsdothis said:

Happy, we don't agree politically, and that's fine, but I respect you as a person. Why is it no one ever asks Ridge to provide the proof behind his "facts", which I can't remember him ever doing? I could be wrong because I don't read very much of this topic (I still haven't finished #1, yet, and this is #5), but based on the COVID topic, Ridge is very slim to non-existent on proof to back up what he says. I have no reason to believe that has changed just because he changed topics.

In all the years I've been on this site, I've never lied to anyone, not even Ridge. I just don't believe in it. I found this information in a single Google search. So, no offense intended to you, but I'm sure you won't have any trouble doing the same.

I ask Ridge to cite sources every other minute.  He never does.  He just calls you shitty names.

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