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US General Domestic Politics #5 Begins 02/15/21.

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8 hours ago, golfer06 said:

do a little research & you will learn that climate change doesn't mean that the cold & snow will stop. but we all know that you don't actually read anything. you just listen to dear leader & the rest of the cult.


But you have no problem blaming tornadoes, hurricanes, and forest fires in California on climate change. You don't know the first thing about science.  Science is just a word that liberal progressives use to promote their radical environmental agenda.  All you do is spout Democrat talking points.

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8 hours ago, golfer06 said:

Decades of inaction by corrupt politicians, groveling at the oily feet of the fossil fuel industry led to a natural disaster-turned epic disaster in Texas. A winter storm took advantage of an archaic fossil fuel-soaked...


Democrats want him to resign because they know they can't beat him in an election. Those same Democrats don't give a damn about the people of Texas, they just want to get rid of Ted Cruz because he is an effective conservative in the U.S. Senate.

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All it took for Ted Cruz to displace Bernie Sanders’ mittens at the top of the national meme board was a display of callous indifference so grand that the writers of the new Cruella de Vil movie are wondering if they...


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8 hours ago, golfer06 said:

For a crowd that pretends to stand for “personal responsibility,” the right-wingers and so-called conservatives who make up the Republican Party sure seem to have a weird aversion to admitting their own...


You mean like Barack Obama for the whole eight years of his presidency blaming all of America's problems on George W. Bush? And like Joe Biden and the Democrats will blame President Trump for all of America's problems for the next four years.? :dodgy:

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17 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

But you have no problem blaming tornadoes, hurricanes, and forest fires in California on climate change. You don't know the first thing about science.  Science is just a word that liberal progressives use to promote their radical environmental agenda.  All you do is spout Democrat talking points.

wtf are you blabbering about? do a little research before making even more of a fool of yourself than you already do every day.

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13 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

Democrats want him to resign because they know they can't beat him in an election. Those same Democrats don't give a damn about the people of Texas, they just want to get rid of Ted Cruz because he is an effective conservative in the U.S. Senate.

and it's great that he vacationed in mexico while his state goes through hell. that is the kind of leader that you support. a moron just like you & your hero.

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6 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

You mean like Barack Obama for the whole eight years of his presidency blaming all of America's problems on George W. Bush? And like Joe Biden and the Democrats will blame President Trump for all of America's problems for the next four years.? :dodgy:

like blaming bush for the war that he lied about to get us stuck in? like the economy that obama had to save? oh i forgot. you slept through all of that.

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