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B4 Girls On Vacation - General Topic 2021 #12 (February)

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10 minutes ago, LUCKY2962 said:

il y a eu quelque chose la nuit de la panne peut-être un clash entre les filles et B, serait intervenu ... au détriment de qui ...

j'ai visionné la séquence, la porte du couloir était fermée à 2 h19, (pourquoi?) puis coupure générale, B, était endormi, seule N, était éveillée

H, sort de la chambre sa culotte à la main à poil et une bouteille dans l'autre avec A, puis plus rien ...

H se met à l'écart des autres, cette nuit là va laisser des traces!

The door was closed by Nelly 0120, maybe due to the noise 

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Il y a 10 minutes, Noldus a déclaré:

La porte a été fermée par Nelly 0120, peut-être à cause du bruit 

c'est une explication plausible, où se rendait les filles à 2h 19 et 48 s? M, avait l'air de côté, si c'est la cuisine, si il y a eu dispute, forcément il y a eu du bruit et c'est surement ce qui aurait pu réveiller B.Après ce ne sont que des spéculations, il y a un gros blanc, alors on imagine ...

Mais il s'est passé un incident, lequel ... On ne le saura peut-être jamais, très certainement

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Megs left with Alek, Holly left about 20 mins later on her own, which might not mean anything but def an atmosphere there.  Gave a good stare into the Cam on her way out. None looked like overnighting so TBC

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29 minutes ago, neil_r549 said:

Megs and Alek have definately got close - and they left together earlier - probably shopping. It would be a shame IMO if Holly was 'cold shouldered'    I like i when all of them are getting along

Relationships are evolving in all the apartments.

B1 - Ariana and Sera bonding, Radi a bit on her own.

B2 - new pairs up seem to be Amalia/Pam and Amira/Monica

B5 - let's not even discuss them.

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6 minutes ago, LUCKY2962 said:

H, left much later than 20 minutes later!

ok, but still on her own, not with a couple of mates, or even talk before leaving? Went out to buy junk food yesterday on her own, i would of expected before that a Megs im popping out want anything?

But who knows, TBH i dont care as long as they kiss and make up with baby oil and vibrators later...but not too late i might have to work in the morning

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2 hours ago, Lurkker said:

Nah, Bogs slipped into the room with all three of them and had a quickie orgy.  After all, he is master of the house.  The 'tension' between Megan and Holly is because Megan wouldn't let Holly have Bogdan all to herself.  Explains why Holly cold to Bogdan too.  I believe Megan's squirt session last night was all for Bogdan.  The girls will be fighting over him for the foreseeable future.  Also explains why the cams went UM, he has the power.

I believe Megan is happy with Rocco!

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