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US General Domestic Politics #6 Begins 02/23/21.

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1 hour ago, Ridgerunner said:

At least I am able to think, which is something you are not capable of.:biggrin:

no you aren't which you continue to prove over & over & over & over & over.....................................................

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1 hour ago, Ridgerunner said:

Your photo shows that you are the one who enjoys playing with his pee-pee. Did you start doing that as a child or was that something you learned later in life to keep from feeling lonely?:tongue: 



tenor (1).gif


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3 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

And according to the article none of the weapons seized nor the people arrested on weapons charges were in the Capitol Building the day of the riot. 

Yeah....the guy with the 75K voltage stick sitting in Pelosi's office doesn't count, eh?  Loser.

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9 hours ago, golfer06 said:

you don't seem to get it. you can't criticize anyone about racism while following dear traitor & the path of the current republican party which wants a return to an all white fake christian country. it isn't going to happen.

You are one of the most racist bigots on CC.  

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10 hours ago, golfer06 said:

you ran out of meaningful responses a long time ago. go back to sleep.

And you have never had any meaningful responses to run out of. That's why you need to keep posting other people's thoughts from propaganda blogs.😉

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9 hours ago, golfer06 said:

as is already well known you are beyond hope. just keep listening to mr 34,534 (before cpac) lies as usual.

If I am beyond hope of being indoctrinated with your liberal progressive Stalinist ideology I see that as a very positive accomplishment.

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