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US General Domestic Politics #6 Begins 02/23/21.

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21 minutes ago, O_U812 said:

Enlarged prostate giving you nighttime pee-pee troubles again?

Your photo shows that you are the one who enjoys playing with his pee-pee. Did you start doing that as a child or was that something you learned later in life to keep from feeling lonely?:tongue: 

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14 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

I see O_U812 is dutifully posting "likes" to all your propaganda posts. The "likes" posted your and O_U812s' comments are as phony as are the two of you.

you ran out of meaningful responses a long time ago. go back to sleep.

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13 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

American history as written by Communist historians? I think you need some new history books. The KKK was originally organized as the enforcement arm of the Democratic Party. Sort of like ANTIFA and BLM are today. Democrat Senator Robert Byrd was a high ranking KKK member. Both Democrat Senators Al Gore Sr. (Al jrs' daddy) and J.William Fulbright ( Bill Clinton's mentor) were segregationists.

and now dear traitor has replaced them.

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1 hour ago, Ridgerunner said:

Bill Clinton and Al Gore jr. didn't, nor did Robert Byrd.😉   Democrats to this day have not given up racism, they've just taken a different approach to keeping Blacks dependent upon the ruling class. Democrats gave up slavery and replaced it with degrading and enslaving welfare programs that destroyed Black families and guaranteed that Blacks would remain poor and disadvantaged.

you don't seem to get it. you can't criticize anyone about racism while following dear traitor & the path of the current republican party which wants a return to an all white fake christian country. it isn't going to happen.

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1 hour ago, Ridgerunner said:

Guess your indoctrination is not working on me. You need to come up with lies that are more convincing.:smile:

as is already well known you are beyond hope. just keep listening to mr 34,534 (before cpac) lies as usual.

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1 hour ago, O_U812 said:

QTrumplicans are butt-sore.


Republicans are demanding a full, 600-page bill reading — and painful, multi-hour "vote-a-rama" — as Democrats forge ahead with their plan to pass President Biden's $1.9 trillion COVID-19...


59% of republicans support the bill. i wonder how many republican voters will die while this nonsense continues.

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1 hour ago, Ridgerunner said:

You mean this time members of Congress are actually going to read a bill before they vote on it? What happened to Nancy Pelosi's normal approach where they have to pass a bill before they can find out what is in it?

they all get copies which they can read but i guess that most of the republican senators need someone to read a bedtime story to them.

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1 hour ago, Ridgerunner said:

That kid was actually "The Prick" O_U812 in disguise.  And how do you conduct an "insurrection" to take over the government without weapons?:huh:  Looked more like an unorganized riot scene from "Animal House" to me.  lol

of course. just like all of the traitors were antifa & blm in disguise while trump worshippers were having a delightful picnic. la la la la la. you are such a moron.

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1 hour ago, Ridgerunner said:

This will make it even easier for Democrats to steal an election than it was in 2020. The beginning of the end of fair and democratic elections in America.

haven't had enough kool aid yet i see.

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1 hour ago, Ridgerunner said:

And according to the article none of the weapons seized nor the people arrested on weapons charges were in the Capitol Building the day of the riot. 

which just shows how stupid your cult friends are.

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