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US General Domestic Politics #7 Begins 03/07/21.

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12 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

And I never mentioned race, color or gender when I spoke of Kamala Harris, but I was immediately accused of being afraid of women. You and the Golfer are hypocrites.

kamala harris is a black women? geez! i wouldn't have known!

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12 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

That's exactly what I would expect from a liberal progressive socialist ANTIFA snowflake loser like you.😉


12 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

That's probably the only true statement you've made today.:tongue:

how long will it take before you recognize sarcastic answers to you stupid questions?

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12 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

That's the game liberals play. When Obama was president if anyone criticized him or his policies they were automatically branded a racist. But liberals are free to demonize Black conservatives with no consequences for their behavior. That's probably one of the reasons Biden is appointing so many minorities to his cabinet. If anyone criticizes the policies of those cabinet members the Biden Admin and the news media will automatically brand the criticizer a bigot and thus silence all criticism of Biden's policies.

wake the fuck up! when racists did racist things they were & are called racists. biden has appointed people that he believes are qualified to do the job regardless of race.

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12 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

But if I call Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters, Ilhan Omar, or AOC a nutjob  I'm a racist and a sexist, right?  Double standard?

it shows again that you are an idiot who doesn't pay attention to reality.

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10 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

More lies from you about how they were treated by the Trump Admin.  Also, the Biden Admin. is housing the children in shipping containers and they are sleeping on the floor. I saw photos of the containers and the children on Fox News.

of coarse everything is a lie unless said by mr 30,554 lies traitors.

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10 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

So when do you tell the truth about anything? Are you saying that your story about building solar panels and collecting unemployment benefits when not working is a lie?  If so, what is the truth?:huh:

flip a coin instead of researching. that would be more than you do now.

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