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US General Domestic Politics #7 Begins 03/07/21.

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3 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

On November 17, 2020 gasoline was $2.14/gal. where I live.  As of yesterday the price was $2.99/gal. and going up. Thanks, Joe!

are you sure that it wasn't hillary's fault? or obama's? or dr seuss?

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1 minute ago, golfer06 said:

trump supporters that sympathize with white supremacy are the only people that may be in trouble.

And any Trump supporter or Republican will be labeled a White supremacist by Biden's flunkies running the Pentagon. That's how the game is played by Stalinist Democrats.

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12 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

And what do you think would happen to the career of any judge that ruled in favor of Trump's attorneys?  No judge wants to touch any of these cases for fear of being blacklisted by the establishment.

as guido explained the judges can't violate the law. and since their is no evidence to present they refuse to make shit up. and in case you failed to notice (of course you did) rudy & the gang didn't present anything because that would make them guilty of perjury & they would go to prison even faster than they will anyway.

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11 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

And you know so much more about discrimination against Black people than do Clarence Thomas and Candace Owens, right?  Most of the BLM members I've seen are White.

wake the fuck up! clarence thomas took advantage of all of the affirmative action programs that he now condemns.

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3 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

On November 17, 2020 gasoline was $2.14/gal. where I live.  As of yesterday the price was $2.99/gal. and going up. Thanks, Joe!

It's not Joe.  It's oil prices in the Middle East rising.  It doesn't have anything to do with who is president.  Gaslighting fuck.

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11 minutes ago, golfer06 said:

because his & your leaders voted against the bill. so you & he & the rest of the cult should make a point of returning the money.

Why would I want to return my tax money to Washington, D.C. so that Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer can give it to a bunch of lazy liberal progressives who don't pay taxes? :huh:

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