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US General Domestic Politics #7 Begins 03/07/21.

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2 minutes ago, maxfactor said:

ooohh somebody learned a new (actually old) liberal insult ...lol.  Very progressive of you.  Likely doesn't even know what it means...lol

Back to the toilets...they need to be done daily.

here is some help in your search for utopia.


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19 minutes ago, O_U812 said:

20 bucks of my coming check says Ridge either developed bone spurs and/or was dishonorably discharged.

Come say that to my face and I'll shove my bronze star down your cock sucking little throat and right out your asshole, you gutless little snowflake prick.

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15 minutes ago, golfer06 said:

but you could have stayed longer & saved the world from the evil radical leftwing socialist demoncrats!

How could that be when it was two Democrat presidents( John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson) who got us involved in the Vietnam quagmire in the first place? :dodgy:

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10 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

Come say that to my face and I'll shove my bronze star down your cock sucking little throat and right out your asshole, you gutless little snowflake prick.

making terroristic threats is a crime mr patriot.

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5 minutes ago, Foamy T. Squirrel said:

There. I've fixed your depiction of utopia for you. Take your pick, but they're just about the same.

map of international socialism.jpeg

national socialist map.jpeg

geez. you couldn't read the word TEXAS or even find the correct continent. what a genius you aren't!

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