Ridgerunner Posted March 11, 2021 Posted March 11, 2021 Poor "Sleepy Joe" doesn't even know the names of his Cabinet members.
golfer06 Posted March 11, 2021 Posted March 11, 2021 Study shows how Republican governors adopted politicized COVID-19 policies that invited disaster WWW.DAILYKOS.COM On Monday, the Republican governor of Wyoming announced that he was ending the state’s mask mandate and urging businesses to reopen fully. This followed similar announcements in Texas, Mississippi, Iowa... 1
Ridgerunner Posted March 11, 2021 Posted March 11, 2021 Looks like Obama will use the Biden presidency to enact all the liberal progressive policies he dreamed of forcing upon the American people during his eight years as president.
golfer06 Posted March 11, 2021 Posted March 11, 2021 3 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said: Poor "Sleepy Joe" doesn't even know the names of his Cabinet members. poor sleepy ridge knows nothing. 1
golfer06 Posted March 11, 2021 Posted March 11, 2021 Just now, Ridgerunner said: Looks like Obama will use the Biden presidency to enact all the liberal progressive policies he dreamed of forcing upon the American people during his eight years as president. last time i looked obama was no longer president. 1
Ridgerunner Posted March 11, 2021 Posted March 11, 2021 13 minutes ago, golfer06 said: The American Rescue Plan is the rescue plan our nation needed a year ago WWW.DAILYKOS.COM The COVID-19 relief program known as the American Rescue Plan is now headed to President Joe Biden's desk for a signature, allocating $1.9 trillion towards replacing Americans' lost income, relieving the... Wonder how happy those people will be about the American Rescue Plan when that gallon of milk costs them $10?
golfer06 Posted March 11, 2021 Posted March 11, 2021 Blabbering Anti-Pelosi Ad By Rep Boebert Concludes With A Threatening Flourish - An Audible Gunshot! WWW.DAILYKOS.COM The gunshot was followed by the unmistakable sounds of the magazine being ejected, replaced, a round chambered, and then… another gunshot! What the hell is wrong with this person? Huffington Post... 1
golfer06 Posted March 11, 2021 Posted March 11, 2021 1 minute ago, Ridgerunner said: Wonder how happy those people will be about the American Rescue Plan when that gallon of milk costs them $10? they'll like being alive & not being kicked out of their house you idiot. why don't you argue about something that is actually happening in the real world once in a while? oh i forgot that you don't live in the real world. and don't forget to return your check as soon as you get it . 1
golfer06 Posted March 11, 2021 Posted March 11, 2021 Marjorie Traitor Greene (Q-GA) refers to Guam as a foreign country that doesn't deserve aid. WWW.DAILYKOS.COM As reported by Anumita Kaur for Pacific Daily News: After a member of the U.S. House of Representatives referred to Guam as a foreign country that doesn't deserve aid, Adelup stated it can send along... 1
Ridgerunner Posted March 11, 2021 Posted March 11, 2021 Anyone that depends upon RAWSTORY.COM, DAILYKOS.COM, and ALTERNET.ORG as their news sources can't be too intelligent.
golfer06 Posted March 11, 2021 Posted March 11, 2021 3 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said: Anyone that depends upon RAWSTORY.COM, DAILYKOS.COM, and ALTERNET.ORG as their news sources can't be too intelligent. says the occupant of oppositeland who believes mr 30,554 lies traitor sack of shit & supports republican cowards that do nothing at all to help the country in a crisis. i have an idea for you. stop posting & stop embarrassing yourself. 1
Ridgerunner Posted March 11, 2021 Posted March 11, 2021 7 minutes ago, golfer06 said: Marjorie Traitor Greene (Q-GA) refers to Guam as a foreign country that doesn't deserve aid. WWW.DAILYKOS.COM As reported by Anumita Kaur for Pacific Daily News: After a member of the U.S. House of Representatives referred to Guam as a foreign country that doesn't deserve aid, Adelup stated it can send along... Wonder if Democrat Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee still believes our astronauts landed on Mars and placed a U.S. flag there? Also, I wonder if Democrat Rep. Hank Johnson is still afraid that the island of Guam will "tip over and capsize"?
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