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washing machine in the bathroom


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It is very common all over Europe to have the washing machine in the bathroom. Bathrooms tend to be bigger in Europe to accommodate washing machines.

I think it is cheaper and easier for the builders to use the same water services plumbed into the bathrooms for the washing machine.

It is a good idea to have the washing machine in the bathroom as it makes more space in the kitchen for more storage space.

In the UK bathrooms are far too small to have the washing machine in them so you will very rarely see this in the UK.

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pues no digo que no sea practico pero queda feisimo  ( feo ) , mejor lavadora en pequeña terraza en la cocina junto con la secadora  , tambien me di cuenta de las tomas de electricidad muy cerca de la ducha , ¿ posible peligro no ? .

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Guest SAMURAI1973

It is very common all over Europe to have the washing machine in the bathroom. Bathrooms tend to be bigger in Europe to accommodate washing machines.

I think it is cheaper and easier for the builders to use the same water services plumbed into the bathrooms for the washing machine.

It is a good idea to have the washing machine in the bathroom as it makes more space in the kitchen for more storage space.

In the UK bathrooms are far too small to have the washing machine in them so you will very rarely see this in the UK.

Absolutely agree with you. I traveled to Europe on vacation, have the washing machine in the bathroom is usual, as a general rule.

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Guest SAMURAI1973

pues no digo que no sea practico pero queda feisimo  ( feo ) , mejor lavadora en pequeña terraza en la cocina junto con la secadora  , tambien me di cuenta de las tomas de electricidad muy cerca de la ducha , ¿ posible peligro no ? .

En Europa, miran mas ir a lo práctico que lo estéticamente bonito. Con respecto a las tomas de corriente. Lo mismo, a más a más que tienen, en muchos países unas normas estrictas de instalación. Aquí en España, cualquier chapuzas te puede montar una chapuza de instalación eléctrica y no pasa nada.

In Europe, go to look more practical than aesthetically beautiful. Regarding outlets. The same, more over they have, in many countries with high standards of installation.

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Guest Squirrel

I have never ever seen a washing machine in a bathroom in North America. Many building codes here avoid putting any more electrical equipment into a bathroom than is necessary.

Although a ground fault circuit interrupt outlet is usually required in new construction, the idea of a large metal machine on a wet floor running at the usual European 220V 50 cycles is not necessarily a super-safe idea. Same with trying to save time by using a hair-dryer while taking a shower.

There is more room in North America anyway, most homes are bigger, so most washers and driers are located either in a garage or in a dedicated laundry room or area.

And no, you won't find a lot of brick or adobe buildings in California either, for obvious geological reasons.

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I have never ever seen a washing machine in a bathroom in North America....

There is more room in North America anyway, most homes are bigger, so most washers and driers are located either in a garage or in a dedicated laundry room or area.

Same in Australia, most dwellings have a separate laundry, or they are built into the back of an attached garage.

Most modern units and apartments have them built into a nook separately also so they are hidden from view by a door.

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I have a separate 'utility room'. This handles the washer, dryer, hot water heater and the evaporator/blower for the central A/C system. It's very handy to have and if/when you have guests, simply close off the door and it isn't seen.

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Je ne connais pas les normes de sécurités pour toute l'Europe car elles sont différentes mais en Belgique, il est presque impossible de s'électrocuté dans une salle de bain avec une lessiveuse car au compteur général, est obligatoire deux fusibles différentiels (un général,un salle d'eau) et une agréation obligatoire du montage électrique de toute la maison effectué par un organisme agréer en sécurité et si le propriétaire des lieux utilise et entretien le bien en bon père de famille, jamais il n'y aura de danger.

Je vis ici depuis plus de 50 ans et n'ai jamais entendu parler d'accident sauf dans les cas où le matériel est défectueux et mal entretenu. :)

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    It is not done a lot in southern California homes because the bathrooms are not big . I have worked on three or four very large homes , where there was a washer& dryer in the master bathrooms . On most of these homes the master bath was made up of 3 to 4 rooms and were in a dressing area .  I did the plumbing on one that had 4 washer & dryers in it . Some  in the bathrooms and pantry . The funny thing about this home there was only 3 people there . 20,000 sq. feet . The thing I have seen in the Russian apts. they use combo units where the washer & dryer are one . Here a unit like that is 900-1,200 dollars .

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    It is not done a lot in southern California homes because the bathrooms are not big . I have worked on three or four very large homes , where there was a washer& dryer in the master bathrooms . On most of these homes the master bath was made up of 3 to 4 rooms and were in a dressing area .  I did the plumbing on one that had 4 washer & dryers in it . Some  in the bathrooms and pantry . The funny thing about this home there was only 3 people there . 20,000 sq. feet . The thing I have seen in the Russian apts. they use combo units where the washer & dryer are one . Here a unit like that is 900-1,200 dollars .

lo malo es que si se estropea una te quedas sin lavadora y sin secadora

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