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US General Domestic Politics #8 Begins 03/16/21.

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12 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

The Democrats disguised Joe Biden as a moderate Democrat during the presidential primary and general elections.  If "Sleepy Joe" as a presidential candidate had supported the policies he is now implementing as president he and the Democrats would have lost the 2020 election in a landslide. :dodgy: 

wrong again. he's doing what he said that he would. your shithole is getting deeper.

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12 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

Bet you weren't saying that from Jan.,2017 thru Dec.,2018 when the Republicans held control of the House, Senate and White House, hypocrite.

republicans need to be voted out asap. they do nothing & have nothing to offer but hate, division, racism, bigotry.............................................no solutions to anything. just more problems. they & you suck.

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9 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

Since the vast majority of college students vote for Democrats, I think Republicans in Florida should post signs on the beaches saying, "Joe Biden, Dr.Fauci and the Democrats want to close Florida beaches during spring break."😉

right next to the signs that say " desantis & republicans don't care if you live or die. just give us your money".

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8 hours ago, squish said:

'I wish a lot of luck to Harry cos he is going to need it!' A remarkably prescient prediction from Donald Trump concerning the developing disaster that is Megan Markle. His response compares favourably with that of President Biden who I fear is already in need of the help and support of his Deputy and who is being openly trolled by Putin, Xi and Kim. When you are the Policeman of the World, this is not good news for the World. Bill Clinton might have made a better Democrat Party President and would have welcomed any temporary immunity from a possible jail sentence as regards the Epstein case.

I despair of the American electoral system and so I suspect so do a lot of Americans. I think there should be an enquiry concerning the last election. Even if it gets a clean bill of health, you can't run a country where 70% of its voters think that there was some fraudulent activity. America matters. 

70% of delusional brainwashed republicans most of whom listened to a lying traitor who cared only about himself.

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7 hours ago, Foamy T. Squirrel said:

I have full confidence that Putin and Xi can whip this guy's ass, both mentally and physically.

 This clown is even weaker than Carter was, and his condition does not inspire my confidence. He should be wearing a MAWA hat. 



today's headline from oppositeland. give up foamy. nobody with any working brain cells is listening to you & the cult.

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5 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

Another lie from the compulsive liar.

wrong again. but you should go there maskless of course & find out for yourself. and visit dear traitor"s club to witness the latest outbreak while you are there.

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4 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

How long before the Golfer or O_U812 tells us that Joe Biden did not fall while going up the steps to Air Force 1, but that the person who fell was actually a QAnon Biden impersonator?:biggrin:  

lies & fantasies is your department. but according to Qanon biden is actually a robot or an actor in a tv studio so i guess that you believe that it wasn't him.

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