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Leora and Malia Fans (Positive or Complimentary Comments) - 30

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37 minutes ago, Raul399 said:

DD ..... I think we'll never see Malia's personality ... the question is ... Does Malia have a personality?
the reason that malia is in prague is because she has no personality and hers her boyfriend from russia hers .. he manipulated her ....
the option to come to prague and get out of that situation is because leora suggested that she come with her ... thus giving her an opportunity to change the air and be able to have financial help ..... if malia is in prague it is because of herself ... no one has forced her to make that decision ...
Leora as a good friend of hers ... has helped her to have her financial stability and has tried to support her in everything ... to improve her life ...
Malia has always been a bad influence on Leora ... that's why Paul never had much contact with her when he visited her in Krasnoyark ...

As I said , I have no background info as I have no idea for both of the lives of these girls , except the things that have been posted through the course of time here at the forum . Even more for Malia that she is only 14 months a member of this crazy cameras world .


I disagree that she hasn’t got a personality , everyone does , the thing is how to “ extract “ the characteristics of your personality and allow others to see yourself through these characteristics . 

I believe that from the moment Malia accepted the suggestions of Leora for mutual masturbation shows , touching, cuddling and anything we saw , it is pretty obvious that she seemed to like it and enjoy it , hell , I dare to say , I do believe she saw Leora as her bigger sister and admiring her for giving her the chance to her to know this new world . But , as everything in life , if you truly don’t love what you do , it will make you bored . Soon after the first common shows , Leora met a guy , Malia followed after some months as well . And the time spending with this guy , under the rules that exist in this house on how to meet , where to meet and bla bla bla , made her realize that she struggles doing this life , I think it was when she slowly started realizing that she can make her own way , that’s why we saw her more and more often outside of the apartment . She tried  already for a week of holidays only to stop it after 3 days because of Leora’s health . Then she did it again recently not to mention of course the 48 hours vacations she has been taking the last 4-5 months . 

In my eyes , I think she has tons of potential , but she needs the right atmosphere to allow it to blossom . I think a Malia with her own apartment , controlling her life , living under her own rules and not  the rules that Leora seems to have the house running , could make us see this hidden personality . Only a Malia away from Leora’s shadow could actually make us learn so much about her . 

Of course , Malia had always the chance to choose , but , she allowed also to herself to try and live the way that Leora lives her life . But as we all know , we are all individuals and because  Leora is a master doing 1,2,3 things perfectly right , it doesn’t mean that Malia has the same talent to do the same . I personally wish that I was able to see beyond of what we have seen so far from Malia , of what she has allowed  us to see from her . At the end , I am a sucker of sensitive and low profile characters and I believe this is how Malia is , a low profile character with much dynamic hidden and way too sensitive . 

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44 minutes ago, Howard said:

IMO, by the two deciding to bate each other (while not by force, but by need for a roof over their heads), has/will affect them long term.  Its unnatural for both of them to be lesbians.  It should also tell everyone their mental state (their own identity, values and/or morals) has deteriorated over time. 

Give it time (and it may happen when RLC is no longer apart of their lives), I expect Leora to start getting tattoos. When RLC becomes her history, she will have a severe case of identity confusing, not knowing where she belongs in society and or expected social situations (including her sexuality).

There’s one certain thing in life . The ability to know when the time has come to try something different and make the step for it , risking . I don’t think Leora will change in the way you suggest ( tattoos , lost  in the world ) but I strongly believe that continuing  this way of life( what we are allowed to see show a person that has no interest of getting to know new things that might be helpful in future / Masha , learned Italian , music , model job , tattoos designing to others , so many things that she took advantage of her time in italy , I don’t say that Leora should do the same , but she also does nothing , at least that we see ) , it will be also more difficult for her to abandon RLC as the time passes by and all the benefits that it gives . 

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23 minutes ago, pulo filipe said:

Everything that was said this morning  

Maybe it was a fake message 


There was no reason pulo that is a fake message , why false information ? What will the person who provided the info has to gain ? 

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8 minutes ago, ddhm said:

There was no reason pulo that is a fake message , why false information ? What will the person who provided the info has to gain ? 

Non farci caso a lui. 

Mi fido abbastanza di quello che ha scritto J. 

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I believe that leora is a person who has very clear ideas ... she is aware that this is a process to achieve her dreams ...
maybe she will change her residence for barcelona ... in an apartment for herself ... enjoy the sun ... beach ... sea ... and of course hers of her museums ... .
I think Leora is a very bohemian woman ... who likes painting ... she is very passionate about Dali ... maybe her dream is to take painting classes ...
The extraordinary thing about Leora is that she is an unpredictable woman ... we can never enter her mind and that makes her more attractive to see her ... she always surprises us ...
I have a few days left of my membership ... I will try to keep looking at Leora ... I will miss her ...
I have canceled my supcrition because I don't have time to watch RLC ... I have to dedicate more time to my work ... trying to save the financial situation of my company, due to covid ... having the border with Russia closed is screwing me up .. I'm losing money ... I have merchandise held ... and I think it will never reach its destination ... hahaha

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