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US General Domestic Politics #13 Begins 04/23/21.

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8 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

The way I see it my opposition to Joe Biden and the liberal progressive socialist/Marxist policies of the Democrats makes me a patriot just like those in Russia who oppose Putin's attempt to rebuild the Soviet Union and reinstate a communist government.

no. your support of dear traitor makes you a traitor.

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If Republicans have a majority in a state legislature in the U.S. — or even if they don't — chances are they are proposing some type of voter suppression bill in 2021. The obvious goal is to make it more difficult...


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7 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

Systemic racism? LMAO  What an unthinking  parrot you are.:sad:

Says the brainwashed Trump fanatic.  You're wrong, you've always been wrong, and you'll probably always be wrong.

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Sharing then-and-now clips of House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) talking about Donald Trump's actions on Jan. 6th as insurrectionists stormed the Capitol building and sent lawmakers...


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In a scorching column in the Miami Herald, Fabiola Santiago brutally called out Florida Gov. Don DeSantis (R) for the latest piece of legislation that he has signed which she called just another step down...


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The Republican governor of Texas was widely panned on Sunday after posting misinformation online.Gov. Greg Abbott posted a screengrab from Fox News. The title of the slide was "up in your grill," with the...


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3 hours ago, golfer06 said:

how is your recruitment drive for the canadian dear traitor cult going? how about your house hunting in texas? 

While I have had many opportunities to move to the US, it is nutbars like you that make it easy not to.

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When you read Sen. Mazie Hirono's beautiful new book, "Heart of Fire: An Immigrant Daughter's Story," you understand that the Hawaii Democrat's strength to speak truth to power comes from one place:...


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