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US General Domestic Politics #14 Begins 05/01/21.

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7 hours ago, jugghead said:

He will rely on government assistance as well. See, this is the problem with some people. They bitch about the dark people being lazy and getting a free ride but when it is their turn they expect to be paid.


He'll be the first one with his hand out expecting payment.

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16 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

And you claim to be a non-partisan news junkie.  You could very possibly be a junkie, but definitely not non-partisan. LMAO

I never claimed to be a news junkie of any kind. That's you, once again, trying to put words in my mouth. I've read articles and watched videos from both sides of the isle.

As I've said to you MANY times, as you just keep twisting my words or refusing to listen, at all, I am unbiased, except for two things, politically speaking. I am biased against IQ45, the psychopath, a.k.a. your fascist führer. So, anything, such as the meme you quoted, or anyone that is against your beloved, fascist, racist, wannabe dictator, is OK by me.

I'm also against any kind of bullshit propaganda, like the shit you spew or anything that comes out of that bullshit factory, also known as faux news. How it's possible that any sane, rational, logical, sensible, reasonable human being could believe a single word that comes out of that conspiracy-generating, bullshit factory, is beyond the comprehension of rational, reasonable thought.

I will say this though, Ridge. It's people like you and some of those other irrational, illogical, fascist, wingnut Republicans in Congress who are enough to make anyone biased against you all.

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13 hours ago, jugghead said:

He will rely on government assistance as well. See, this is the problem with some people. They bitch about the dark people being lazy and getting a free ride but when it is their turn they expect to be paid.

funny that i was thinking about that while walking the dog. insurance for hurricane areas subsidized by the taxpayers. yet when people need help for other problems they suddenly are lazy bums that don't deserve help.

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13 hours ago, SPYING 1 said:

But I'm paying for insurance, I'm not a demon-crats getting welfare & other hand outs

your insurance is subsidized by tax $. "demon-crats" are also americans. they are not lazy bums living off of welfare & hand outs. welfare recipient is a qtrumplican dog whistle for minorities & your bigotry is showing. you aren't better & more deserving of help than anyone else.

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12 hours ago, SPYING 1 said:

There's over 2.7 million people in my city, yet There's plenty of business with signs  saying now hiring but no lazy demon-crats want to work, they want to be a parasite of the American taxpayers 

so your city has an employment rate of 100% for qtrumplicans & 0% for dems because they are all lazy bums. your level of ignorance is amazing.

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12 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

Why? You can't handle the truth?

because you continue to ignore reality. you refuse to learn anything at all. when you are given the answers or the tools to find the answers you ignore them & continue to argue. your posts are a complete waste of time.

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11 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

Don't think so. A lot of those 80+ million votes weren't real people or were people who voted more than once.😉

here we go again. but i'll say it anyway. just show some evidence. oh that's right there isn't any.

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