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B1 Girls on Vacation - General Topic 2021 #24 (May)

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1 minuto fa, RAGNAR ha detto:

Se Pam voleva quel look da donna professionale, l'ha inchiodato, ha un bell'aspetto.

Sta’ portando Vivian a cercare un fidanzato in Spagna 😏 in Ucraina lo ha gia’...

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7 minutes ago, Mauri said:

She's taking Vivian to look for a boyfriend in Spain 😏  in Ukraine she already has it ...

And you know for sure ,, or just being facetious? Because i don't think Vivian needs help in that department. None of them need the help looking for a boyfriend/girlfriend if they wanted one,,or another one,,lol.

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Just now, RAGNAR said:

E lo sai per certo, o sei solo scherzoso? 

Che ha un fidanzato in Ucraina ne sono certo, puoi vedere le videochiamate che fa’ con lui. Per quanto riguarda stasera, ero ironico, ma a giudicare da come era vestita e a quanto trucco ha messo, e dal fatto che era abbastanza agitata... non credo stia andando a giocare a bowling😏

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17 minutes ago, Mauri said:

That she has a boyfriend in Ukraine I'm sure, you can see the video calls she makes with him. As for tonight, I was ironic, but judging by how she was dressed and how much makeup she put on, and the fact that she was quite flustered ... I don't think she's going bowling 😏

LOL,,ok,thanks for clarifying,not that i care about their personal lives outside RLC,but i knew/heard Vivian has a bf,as far as going out,i wish them a good time,even if it might or might not be bowling.. 😁

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AWW,now the cams are too low in Radislavas room to watch tv on the wall from her projector,,lol Don't know where sound will come from as she has no speakers,maybe she can sync it to her phone for sound? The ones i had,way back when they first came out, i hooked them up to my stereo system,and played it on a white bed sheet on a wall.

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