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Leora Crying Again

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She's not stuck. All she has to do is leave him. Bad sex or not, she's obviously happy enough to stay with him.

Why she stays with him keeps everyone scratching their heads.

Simple; she puts up with his bad sex because he puts up with her bullshit. Match made in heaven for them.

Just like the blind man taking another blind man for a walk.
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Guest Squirrel

I am sorry Leora appears to be crying again.

But I also think that this little Squirrel kinda agrees with Nij; we don't know what's going on, they have a complex but obviously strong relationship; I figure I should observe and appreciate, since I cannot possibly understand due to a lack of data about their history and personalities.

But dang, she's a pretty woman. And he ain't dumb, either.

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I have only been a member of rlc for a few weeks and as many have scratched my head about the whole Leora and paul relationship. It puzzles the crap out of me. I think though they might be spending a little time apart for now. I just saw Paul dressed in what might be a military uniform and left. Don't think they made up. they didn't really talk and she went to the bedroom.

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paul runs the uniform is addressed only because he Hoft of small naive girl like leora. He had taken a few books and now sits somewhere in coffee or on a park bench and waits. People with uniforms have in russia high view at women and girls.

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Paul more or less jut jerked her up and made her go to the bedroom what an ass.

Paul is an idiot. Leora should slit his throat some night while he sleeps.

I agree with Stncld, he has to fall asleep sometime.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Squirrel

Yes, she's crying and I realy don't know about what. Is there anyone who can translate?

Neither do we. Believe me, we've tried. Her emotions and her relationship with Paul is unknowable to anyone other than herself and Paul. It's not worth the effort.

I gave up a long time ago. She's a beautiful woman, and he's a much underestimated (and I think unjustly maligned man), so I am content to let the unfathomable remain unfathomable.

Perhaps the new doggy will get a CC user account and let us know.

(oh, and welcome to the zoo...)

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I agree with Squirrel that Paul, while not very good in bed, is an intelligent person and we have a tendency to criticize him because he is a inadequate lover for Leora.

She is a woman with so much energy. I get tired just watching her. And she is very lovely. And enjoys playing to the camera.

Can't figure out the relationship, but it is only important to them.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest Pirate

Logged on to RLC to see if anyone's home and found the lovely Leora crying her eyes out alone in the kitchen, in front of the computer. Been going for over half an hour now. Whatever she's doing, it's not making her very happy.

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Guest Pirate

Who said Paul was dumb? He just came home and I expected him to comfort Leora but she started to scream at him, so Paul retreated to the lounge and is cuddling the dog. Smart move Paul, keep out of arms length.

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