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US General Domestic Politics #16 Begins 05/14/21.

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12 hours ago, golfer06 said:

but dear traitor says that he won & a whole bunch of braindead idiots believe him. yet you criticize biden? go back under your rock where you don't have to deal with reality.

     Braindead Biden had it given to him because of a manipulated bug that was released upon humanity which in turn caused election and voting rules and regulations to be also manipulated and changed that were never that way previous to the arrival of the bug in the country. If it hadn't been, it is very unlikely that election and voting rules and regulations would have ever been manipulated and changed and the person so many of you all are still crazily obsessed about, would have more than likely won by a landslide. As mentioned previously, having too much of an obsession about anything or anyone for so long, is nothing more than unhealthy.

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2 minutes ago, Nicholas said:

     Braindead Biden had it given to him because of a manipulated bug that was released upon humanity which in turn caused election voting rules and regulations also got manipulated and changed that were never the same previous to the arrival of the bug in the country. If it hadn't been, it is very unlikely that election and voting rules and regulations would have ever been manipukated and changed and the person so many of you all are still crazily obsessed about, would have more than likely won by a landslide. As mentioned previously, having too much of an obsession about anything or anyone for so long, is nothing than unhealthy.

The whole problem here is that you are fucking crazy as Hell.

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2 minutes ago, Nicholas said:

     Braindead Biden had it given to him because of a manipulated bug that was released upon humanity so election voting rules and regulations also got manipulated and changed that were never the same previous to the arrival of the bug in the country. If it hadn't been, it is very unlikely that election and voting rules and regulations would have ever been manipukated and changed and the person so many of you all are still crazily obsessed about, would have more than likely won by a landslide. As mentioned previously, having too much of an obsession about anything or anyone for so long, is nothing than unhealthy.

and your hero dear traitor probably would have won if he had done ANYTHING AT ALL TO HELP THE PEOPLE INSTEAD OF LYING 30,000 + times. and by the way it is every citizen's right to vote & access should be made easier not harder! the qtrumpluican lying do nothing obstructionists can't win in an honest election so face reality & get over your messiah complex! back to your rock asshole!

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I'm watching here for infractions of the Almighty CamCaps Rules. No KP, no direct threatening other members, and this area is pretty much still free speech and thought (unlike Facebook & Twitter). Some people here don't like freedom for individuals; just group think, absolute governments, beating up people who disagree with you in the streets.

Now, everybody here is talking about President Houseplant, so that's fine with me. I'll leave the thread alone. 

Bring it on. :wink:

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17 minutes ago, golfer06 said:

and your hero dear traitor probably would have won if he had done ANYTHING AT ALL TO HELP THE PEOPLE INSTEAD OF LYING 30,000 + times. and by the way it is every citizen's right to vote & access should be made easier not harder! the qtrumpluican lying do nothing obstructionists can't win in an honest election so face reality & get over your messiah complex! back to your rock asshole!

     Awwww....what wrong g6, something hit a nerve or something ? I believe I mentioned that having an extensive obsession about anything or anyone is in no way healthy at all for anyone. Perhaps if that was not the case, there would have been no need to respond back in some way. But, I haven't resorted to immature name calling with you yet, like you just did and your psychotic comrade first did as well, so I responded in kind and certainly can do so going forward should there be any need felt to do so. Perhaps it would not be such a bad idea to try to concentrate or get occupied with other matters that are not related to some obsession. It really isn't so healthy to have extensive obsessions about anything or anyone.

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3 hours ago, O_U812 said:

It was MAGAts who looted the capital, Proud Boyz and their buddies burning cities, and that officer was 100% justified in shooting her.  His oath was to protect those Congresspeople from harm.  As for his name?  It's none of your fucking business.  It's YOUR "side" causing the problems; and the funniest part?  You know it.

Same old story from the little ANTIFA snowflake liar. Also, according to your rationale the next time a police officer shoots a Black criminal the name of that officer will be nobody's business either. 

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