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US General Domestic Politics #18 Begins 05/29/21.

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Prosecutors appear to be treating their investigation of former President Donald Trump's business empire as if it were a mafia family, according to several reports out this week. This article first appeared in...


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Even though the Secret Service is charged with protecting former President Donald Trump even now that he's left office, the agency could in the future face a unique challenge if he's eventually convicted of a...


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Oklahoma lawmakers are as obsessed with former President Donald Trump as most in the Republican Party. Their recent decision to name a stretch of highway after the former president ended up as an...


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Lt. Gen Michael Flynn proclaimed that he thinks there should be a military coup to replace President Joe Biden with Donald Trump in the White House. It's something that sent many to demand he be...


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Legal expert Marcy Wheeler hilariously mocked the Capitol insurrectionists who planned their attack through encrypted apps, while then making their travel plans using their actual contact information. In...


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In a column for the Daily Beast, sex worker Casey Thompson said it was no wonder that Matt Gaetz was reportedly able to find young willing women -- some of them possibly underaged -- who would exchange...


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4 hours ago, golfer06 said:

just check out texas, georgia, arizona. it's all common knowledge to anyone that has been paying attention. numerous articles have been posted. but you already knew that & chose to ignore them therefore learning nothing.

Give me an example of even one voter suppression law that some red states are trying to enact

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5 hours ago, golfer06 said:

you are just as stupid as your heroes. they could have had a big influence. now the dems will have their own investigations which will have little if any qtrumplican input which will gather much more truthful info. they probably will make mccarthy, greene, boebert, and others testify about their "tours" & if they had contact with the insurrectionists by text, email, or personnel contact. also some that have been arrested could be called & they may have incriminating things to say. why do you think that kevin, mitch, & the rest didn't want the investigation? but instead they'll be exposed for the scum that they truly are.

You mean like the fake dossier and the Mueller investigation and the ridiculous baseless impeachments -- You are such a joke

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1 hour ago, O_U812 said:

I show my ID every single time I vote.  These new "Laws" are so QTrumplicans can change the results that they don't like.  Pure Fascism.  No different than Putin's Russia.  These laws, if allowed to stand, will result in violence and bloodshed all over our country.

??????? run that by me again please--How does having to show your id make it easier to change the results??

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18 minutes ago, sr71gn said:

??????? run that by me again please--How does having to show your id make it easier to change the results??

Wow.  Really?  I never said that.  I said I personally have to show my ID every time I vote.  That's not the issue.  Making it harder to absentee vote, drop off a ballot in a drop box, give water to somebody standing in line and allowing the GQP state congresses taking over the count is all fascist shit.  If the democrat beats the QTrumplican by a million votes, it won't matter because the state senate will just change it to declare their own man/woman the winner.  It's a slow coup and it's fucking dangerous to democracy.  All because you and your buds buy into Trump's lies.

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Just now, O_U812 said:

Wow.  Really?  I never said that.  I said I personally have to show my ID every time I vote.  That's not the issue.  Making it harder to absentee vote, drop off a ballot in a drop box, give water to somebody standing in line and allowing the GQP state congresses taking over the count is all fascist shit.  If the democrat beats the QTrumplican by a million votes, it won't matter because the state senate will just change it to declare their own man/woman the winner.  It's a slow coup and it's fucking dangerous to democracy.  All because you and your buds buy into Trump's lies.

There has not been even one shred of evidence proving fraud on the democrat side.  Bill Barr, Trump's BFF, said himself there was no big fraud.  In fact, the minimal amount of fraud they found were from Trump voters.  Congress must pass the Fair Voting Act, which would trash these red states efforts to subvert democracy.

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37 minutes ago, sr71gn said:

You mean like the fake dossier and the Mueller investigation and the ridiculous baseless impeachments -- You are such a joke

Where's your evidence that any of it was fake or baseless?  I want to see it with my own eyes.  There isn't any, so good luck.

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