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Guest Pirate

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No it wasn't just meant as irony.  I know this because you did the same silly things before when you tied to better me in some sophomoric discussion some months ago.  Remember?  When I pulled down your pants in front of everyone and gave you a sound spanking.

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Woody, in all seriousness, there's no pleasure to be derived from continuing this conversation, we're operating on different levels and whilst I'll happily call you out each time you make a racist,  fascist or misinformed post I have no desire to keep berating your intellect every time you fail at an ad hominem attack on me.

If you stop trying to score points by making shit up I'll stop responding by making you look stupid. Deal?

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Before I hit the sack after another long day I just want to re-ask my question I posed to Aubrey.

Rather than berate others for expressing their views (extreme or otherwise) over how to eliminate the IS and Islamic threat to the world could you tell the assembled forum how you would solve the problem.

Rather than 'War War' I assume you want 'Jaw Jaw'? If full on military action is not the answer what is?

Who would you like to go and reason with? Why do you think they would listen? Would they suddenly agree that they have been wrong for centuries and that Islam is not the 'one and only' real religion?

Come Aubrey use your intellect and tell us how to solve the crisis?

I'm off to bed now so perhaps in the morning I can turn on my PC and have the answer to the worlds greatest problem. Goodnight and may my Christian peace loving God bless you all.

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Before I hit the sack after another long day I just want to re-ask my question I posed to Aubrey.

Rather than berate others for expressing their views (extreme or otherwise) over how to eliminate the IS and Islamic threat to the world could you tell the assembled forum how you would solve the problem.

Rather than 'War War' I assume you want 'Jaw Jaw'? If full on military action is not the answer what is?

Who would you like to go and reason with? Why do you think they would listen? Would they suddenly agree that they have been wrong for centuries and that Islam is not the 'one and only' real religion?

Come Aubrey use your intellect and tell us how to solve the crisis?

I'm off to bed now so perhaps in the morning I can turn on my PC and have the answer to the worlds greatest problem. Goodnight and may my Christian peace loving God bless you all.

Good post, Van, but I'm afraid it's pearls before swine.  And don't forget, you and I are the same person for hersey-packer Audrey.  A pure waste of time. 

Partly in answer to your question, but more importantly as a way for us to watch Audrey wet her pants, here's an idea:

The next time the Muslims launch a major (like a 9-11-2001 type) attack on the American homeland, what if every patriotic American took out as many local Muslims as they could?  Would that cause even more strikes against the homeland?  Perhaps.  But using that method, pretty soon no more Muslims.  Right, Audrey?

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Before I hit the sack after another long day I just want to re-ask my question I posed to Aubrey.

Rather than berate others for expressing their views (extreme or otherwise) over how to eliminate the IS and Islamic threat to the world could you tell the assembled forum how you would solve the problem.

Rather than 'War War' I assume you want 'Jaw Jaw'? If full on military action is not the answer what is?

Who would you like to go and reason with? Why do you think they would listen? Would they suddenly agree that they have been wrong for centuries and that Islam is not the 'one and only' real religion?

Come Aubrey use your intellect and tell us how to solve the crisis?

I'm off to bed now so perhaps in the morning I can turn on my PC and have the answer to the worlds greatest problem. Goodnight and may my Christian peace loving God bless you all.

Good post, Van, but I'm afraid it's pearls before swine.  And don't forget, you and I are the same person for hersey-packer Audrey.  A pure waste of time. 

Partly in answer to your question, but more importantly as a way for us to watch Audrey wet her pants, here's an idea:

The next time the Muslims launch a major (like a 9-11-2001 type) attack on the American homeland, what if every patriotic American took out as many local Muslims as they could?  Would that cause even more strikes against the homeland?  Perhaps.  But using that method, pretty soon no more Muslims.  Right, Audrey?

Now I'm gutted Karen, I thought you and I were the same person, not Woody. Now I just feel totally abandoned and rejected, only half the man I used to be. But I know you guys will make a good team, so it's not all bad.

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OK, here's my solution. I would call it the Final Solution but one of your historic poster boys already coined that one.

The Middle East and Islam at Large

1) The Muslims are doing our work for us. Let's just sit back and let them kill each other.

2) I know innocent people are dying too, but really, who cares? Those people aren't Caucasian neo cons so they just don't matter.

3) If they aren't killing each other fast enough then we'll go after the Wahhabis. Yeah I know the regimes in SA, UAE and Qatar have not been targeted yet, even though they are the sponsors of all this shit and Iraq is just a pawn. I know that we are reliant on their oil prices staying stable and they are a major client for our weapons but, fuck it. Let's bomb Mecca, that'll piss all of them off.

4) Once we've pissed off and made definitive enemies of nearly 2 billion of the world's population then it's show time!  Lets fucking bomb all of the fuckers. I don't even fucking care! Bomb the fucking ragheads back into 5th century where they belong.  There's no better statement of how strong we are and how brave we are than global ethnic cleansing.

5) If anyone disagrees then let's hound those people for being unpatriotic, let's call them Muslim lovers and de facto terrorists.  Fuck it let's lock them up too and anyone else who gets in our way.

At Home

1) While were on the subject of locking people up, let's also go after those who, you know, think a bit too much.  Those college boy fucks that are able to type sentences with more than ten words in them. You will know them by their Greek references.

2) Burning books is also a great idea.

3) We must further put the squeeze on people who because of the artificial competition we create in our societies have failed to find their place in it and are claiming benefits from the state.  Most of these people, in the US, are black and Hispanic or some other non white shit race. There's no better statement of how strong we are and how brave we are than refusing to give succor to compatriots that need it.

4) We must lock up or forcibly remove all Muslims from society.  They are terrorists in waiting and they cannot be trusted.  Trust no one except those that your leaders say are OK.

5) We must lock up as many black and Hispanic people as possi... oh, we're already doing that.

6) GUNS! We need more fucking guns! There's no better statement of how strong we are and how brave we are than our need to go to sleep with .45s under our pillows.

7) Ban all media except Fox News.

8) We must spread our message throughout the internet. Let's seek to dominate forums that are nothing to do with our narrow world view and export our hate filled message in the hope that others will be interested and join our cause... oh, IS are already doing that.  Well, let's just start on a forum about consenting voyeurism then we'll move on to streaming KKK style crucifixions of blacks and Hispanics once we get some traction.

9) Let's extol Christian values of peace and tolerance in some messages on those forums yet advocate extermination in others, because, yeah, that's how it works, God is My Right.

10) In fact let's just act like the terrorists, preaching the same message of hate and division, death and slaughter but without the guts to actually do something.

11) Let's act like the hurt party when our extremist views are lampooned by people like Aubrey (pbuh).  We have our right to free speech and it's unacceptable to be made fools of when the foolish shit we say is held up against a mirror of ridicule.

That'll do for starters gentlemen.  Is the post long enough, should I have used more words? What do I win? Can I join the club?  Huh? Huh? I just so really want you to respect me, you guys are like heroes to me, modern day Oswald Mosleys to a man.

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Quote from Ozi: Mate, have you forgotten your medication again?

Reply from Aubrey: Touche KarenOziPirate.  You got me there with your "powerful political argument".  You're like the Aristotle of the keyboard warrior world.

Mate, suggesting you have forgotten to take your medication again, isn't actually a political statement, it's more an observation of your medical, possibly mental state. Previous quotes of yours suggest some kind of paranoid schizophrenia, delusions that a people are plotting against you:

                "I just don't know who is a single person or who are multiple people posting anymore. I can't help but think that Foamy is actually everyone else but me!!"

                "I'm back from my holidays and yes +1 for believing that whilst Nij isn't a spy (his former username was Pirate) he is an asshole."

So Pirate was originally Nij, later morphing into Ozi, then a gender change to Karen, all to torment you. I mean, I do remember looking back and reading posts from people like Nick and Bulgachica similar to yours, but other than them you appear to be the only person getting so worked up about it. In fact, I also remember Bulgachica making similar comments in posts about the unlikely coincidence of finding so many "fascists and bigots, filled with so much hate in one location". Maybe that's why you are so adamant about it because you are doing it. You used to be Bulgachica!

I'm not pirate and certainly not Karen, the author of the irreverent humour you have taken offence to. I mean, you truly believe someone would spend that much time and effort to torment you. You really do have a problem mate, I suggest you get some professional help, sooner rather than later. However, if you want to continue with your fantasy, seeing as it amuses you so much, keep it up, at least that way you are safe.

I have noticed however, that you are now ignoring facts, staying away from them completely. Good idea, because every time you try to argue facts, you fail miserably. You tried to argue gun control and failed. You ignore data that proves the UK and Europe is drowning socially and financially under the burden of illegal immigrants, the majority of whom are muslims. You ignore statements like those from the German government that the country will be predominantly muslim by 2050. You ignore quotes from people like Gaddafi who stated that Europe will be a muslim state by 2050 without a shot being fired. You ignore the facts that governments, including the UK, are drafting and passing legislation to introduce elements of Sharia law. You ignore the contents of the Qur'an which preaches and promotes the annihilation of non-believers.

Your latest rant, well what can I say. It's a pretty sad and pathetic attempt at something. Humour? Sarcasm? Actually, it's just pretty sad and pathetic.

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Aubrey I think you are confused...... These are the solutions of the non-liberals. We want to see your conservative liberal solution. Let's call it 'The Liberal Solution'.

Using irony and simply repeating conservative solutions is the usual liberal answer to not answering the question! Like all liberals you are critical of others but have no answers yourself.

So Aubrey I challenge you again. Give me ONE solution, ONE simple thing that you would do towards solving the problem of IS and radical Islam? I'm not expecting a full solution because to be fair I actually don't think there is a full solution, other than extermination of every Muslim and I don't think even the neo-cons are suggesting such a thing.

Over to Aubrey.....In the meantime Dasha is proving very entertaining!!!!!

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I ignore stuff that isn't true or relevant KarenOziPirate.  You're basically trying to turn everything I've written back on me with the mental health digs mate.  You are pretending to be two other people yet you talk about my mental health.

Who gives a fuck what Gaddafi said? It's not relevant as it isn't happening. Sharia law in the UK, you're again having a laugh right?  People in the Muslim community in Britain are able to use Sharia courts as a form of tribunal, with the same legal status as any obudsmans tribunal in Britain. For example if two people married under Sharia law here and wished for divorce, although both parties choose to abide by the Sharia ruling the marriage is not void unless they follow British legal proceedings to get the civil marriage voided. Anyone can set up an obudsman referral scheme so long as everyone is willing to follow its rulings.  If the rulings are not in tune with British law then they are of course illegal. What's that I hear you typing?  I seem to know a lot more about what you're posting than you do, I must be a Muslim lover at least, or a fucking actual Muslim at worst yeah?  No pal, just far better informed than any of you twats. 

Europe is not drowning under illegal immigration, nor is it the most urgent situation facing the EU -  that you believe this shows just how much you've let your mind be twisted by those that control you.  You're a foot soldier for people that have no regard for you and grow rich from your taxes and bigotry.  You don't understand this and are offended when this is made clear, this is exactly how they've conditioned you.

Of course I'm Bulgachica (pbuh)! That has been plainly obvious from the get go, right?  I started feeling sorry for you schmucks when all you were left with was calling me BulgingCheeks so decided on a change.  I've been using the same language and same way of lampooning you cretins since Aubrey (pbuh) joined us.  So well done Columbo, you undo yourself again by still claiming you aren't Pirate, give it up mate.  Actually I don't care KarenOziPirate, same shit, different name huh?

You don't like my latest attempt at humour, sarcasm and think it pathetic? That's because as I said, it's a fucking mirror of your shit-think, suck it up Princess, we're just getting started.

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I ignore stuff that isn't true or relevant KarenOziPirate.  You're basically trying to turn everything I've written back on me with the mental health digs mate.  You are pretending to be two other people yet you talk about my mental health.

Who gives a fuck what Gaddafi said? It's not relevant as it isn't happening. Sharia law in the UK, you're again having a laugh right?  People in the Muslim community in Britain are able to use Sharia courts as a form of tribunal, with the same legal status as any obudsmans tribunal in Britain. For example if two people married under Sharia law here and wished for divorce, although both parties choose to abide by the Sharia ruling the marriage is not void unless they follow British legal proceedings to get the civil marriage voided. Anyone can set up an obudsman referral scheme so long as everyone is willing to follow its rulings.  If the rulings are not in tune with British law then they are of course illegal. What's that I hear you typing?  I seem to know a lot more about what you're posting than you do, I must be a Muslim lover at least, or a fucking actual Muslim at worst yeah?  No pal, just far better informed than any of you twats. 

Europe is not drowning under illegal immigration, nor is it the most urgent situation facing the EU -  that you believe this shows just how much you've let your mind be twisted by those that control you.  You're a foot soldier for people that have no regard for you and grow rich from your taxes and bigotry.  You don't understand this and are offended when this is made clear, this is exactly how they've conditioned you.

Of course I'm Bulgachica (pbuh)! That has been plainly obvious from the get go, right?  I started feeling sorry for you schmucks when all you were left with was calling me BulgingCheeks so decided on a change.  I've been using the same language and same way of lampooning you cretins since Aubrey (pbuh) joined us.  So well done Columbo, you undo yourself again by still claiming you aren't Pirate, give it up mate.  Actually I don't care KarenOziPirate, same shit, different name huh?

You don't like my latest attempt at humour, sarcasm and think it pathetic? That's because as I said, it's a fucking mirror of your shit-think, suck it up Princess, we're just getting started.

Now that was funny!

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