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US General Domestic Politics #20 Begins 06/11/21.

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2 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

 I'm 75 years old and concerned that the vaccines might cause health problems for younger people and that makes me selfish? You are a fucking idiot. It almost makes me hope the vaccine damages your heart. At least there is no chance it will damage your brain because you don't have one to damage.:sad: 

You're a fucking pile of shit.  

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4 hours ago, Foamy T. Squirrel said:

Please explain this report that comes from someone who has experienced Communism. Many others have, and many others had similar or more terrifying reports. 

You have five minutes to respond or I will chew to pieces the radiator hoses of everyone of your family members after I have settled them into re-education camp. Because that's how it works in some places on Earth, and people in the US just don't frankly give a damn about how their children and grandchildren will live.



North Korean defector and human rights advocate, Yeonmi Park, fears the United States’ future “is as bleak as North Korea” after she attended one of the country’s most prestigious universities.

Yes, it's Fox. Don't bitch. You won't see this on the Communist propaganda stations, but I assure you everyone I know who lived through this kind of Marxist hell is scared to death it will happen here. 


Of course.  She knows exactly what the QTrumplicans plans are.  

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3 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

Biden probably will pardon her since Democrats see nothing wrong with leaking classified information to the press nor to our foreign enemies.  After pardoning her, Biden will then most likely appoint her to a high level position at NASA.:biggrin:

She was jailed by Sessions/Trump for being a whistleblower.  You need to start dealing with facts numbnuts.

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3 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

Most people on here are intelligent enough to find the study on their own. Too bad you are too fucking dumb to find it. They never taught you how to use a browser in Moscow?

You're nothing but a childish loser.  It sucks that I have to share what's left of democracy with fascist scum like you.

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14 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

Defending your life, family and property may be treason in your fucked up country of Russia, but in the U.S. it is a right guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution.   

you'll have to ask dear traitor about russia. or you could pop your head out of his ass for a moment.

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3 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

 I'm 75 years old and concerned that the vaccines might cause health problems for younger people and that makes me selfish? You are a fucking idiot. It almost makes me hope the vaccine damages your heart. At least there is no chance it will damage your brain because you don't have one to damage.:sad: 


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14 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

Hamilton was describing Trump 100s of years before Trump was born?:huh:

hey moron. he was describing a person that would try to ruin democracy. that person turned out to be your hero dear traitor.

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