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US General Domestic Politics #20 Begins 06/11/21.

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5 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

Still not an original thought for you because you have none.

Any thought that doesn't include bowing at the feet of your fucked up views isn't original to you.  

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7 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

The laws are already there to disarm criminals, Democrat prosecutors won't enforce them. Democrats just want more gun laws so that they can disarm law abiding American citizens.

Too much garbage, not enough veggies.  Nobody is coming for law-abiding citizen's guns.  You refuse to see anything that resembles logic.

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Oh, not in August anymore, but December.  Whatever.  It's not going to happen.  Trump lost and that's it.  It's over.  Move on.\


Lindell has taken credit for the groundless prediction that Trump will be back in the White House in August. It appears he's pushing that timeline.


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The fuck is wrong with these morons?  Seriously.


The make-up Olympics are headed to Japan this year, but next year Beijing will have the winter Olympic games and Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) is very concerned that the Chinese government...


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Is that a gun in your crotch Tomi, or are you just happy to see Spying?


Fox Nation host Tomi Lahren faced some blowback from fans on Wednesday when she correctly referred to Caitlyn Jenner as "her" while promoting an interview with the Republican California...


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6 hours ago, golfer06 said:

and let's not forget the 600,000 killed by dear traitor's negligence from covid19.

Wrong again. 600,00 killed by the Chinese Communist government when they purposely unleashed covid-19 on the U.S. and the world. The Chinese were aided in development of the virus with a donation of U.S. taxpayer dollars to the Wuhan lab from Dr. Fauci.

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