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Leora & Malia - Home Activities #8

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Guest Slipper Guyquad

All i can add is the person who made her cry was NOT Paul, as soon as she got angry and hung up on the first call, she then got Paul on Skype right afterwards. And she had made one of her enormous texts just before the flowers and balloons arrived, which then led to that call minutes later. She then carried on this enormous message, just before going downstairs.

The saddest part, is that IF the person who did this was who we think.....

......It won't make a blind bit of difference.....

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il y a 15 minutes, Slipper Guyquad a dit :

Tout ce que je peux ajouter, c’est que la personne qui l’a fait pleurer n’était PAS Paul, dès qu’elle s’est fâchée et a raccroché au premier appel, elle a ensuite eu Paul sur Skype juste après. Et elle avait écrit un de ses énormes textes juste avant l’arrivée des fleurs et des ballons, ce qui a conduit à cet appel quelques minutes plus tard.

Le plus triste, c’est que SI la personne qui a fait ça était qui on pense.....

...... Cela ne fera pas une différence aveugle.....

je suis désolé Guy Quad mais je comprend pas la réponse ou si je comprend que les fleurs doit venir de loverboy et elle l’appel en extérieur et remonte en pleurant et la dernière phrase je la comprend pas je doit etre trôp vieux

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Guest Slipper Guyquad
41 minutes ago, patou said:

I'm sorry Guy Quad but I don't understand the answer or if I understand that the flowers must come from loverboy and she calls it outside and goes back up crying and the last sentence I don't understand it I must be too old

The last sentence means that IF this was LB, which by process of elimination leads to him, then she will most likely forgive him anyway, that's what it means.

The flowers? We don't know. But - She did make the call just after they arrived, yet ended up shouting and hang up. So what could have be so bad so quickly if they were from him? Then the second call which was all tears. They could be from Paul, her Father, LB, no one can know. But - Only one bouquet, so what did Paul give if not from him?

All that i DO know is she had a short but nice call with her Dad, has spoken at least 3 times to Paul, gave Malia a kiss for her gift - So who does that leave, and who makes her angry and cry so often?

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3 minutes ago, Slipper Guyquad said:

The last sentence means that IF this was LB, which by process of elimination leads to him, then she will most likely forgive him anyway, that's what it means.

The flowers? We don't know. But - She did make the call just after they arrived, yet ended up shouting and hang up. So what could have be so bad so quickly if they were from him? They could be from Paul, her Father, LB, no one can know. 

All that i DO know is she had a short but nice call with her Dad, has spoken at least 3 times to Paul, gave Malia a kiss for her gift - So who does that leave, and who makes her angry and cry so often?

i like leora, she was so cute fighting that spider in her bedroom the other day

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Guest Slipper Guyquad
Just now, Nenemoh7 said:

i like leora, she was so cute fighting that spider in her bedroom the other day

Yeah - After 20 minutes of just looking at it! 😆 She literally wouldn't hurt a fly as they say!

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il y a 7 minutes, Slipper Guyquad a dit :

La dernière phrase signifie que SI c'était LB, qui par élimination le mène à lui, alors elle lui pardonnera très probablement de toute façon, c'est ce que je veux dire.

Les fleurs ? Nous ne savons pas. Mais - Elle a passé l'appel juste après leur arrivée, mais a fini par crier et raccrocher. Alors, qu'est-ce qui aurait pu être si mal si vite s'ils arrivaient de lui ? Ils pourraient être de Paul, fils Père, LB, personne ne peut le savoir. 

Tout ce que je sais, c'est qu'elle a eu un appel court mais agréable avec son père, a parlé au moins 3 fois à Paul, a embrassé Malia pour son cadeau - Alors, qui laisse ça, et qui la met en colère et pleure si souvent ?

Vous dire vrai je comprend mieux Si c'était lui c'est elle reconcilié de nouveau J'espère que non on la fait pas pleurer le jour de son anniversaire

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Just now, Slipper Guyquad said:

Yeah - After 20 minutes of just looking at it! 😆 She literally wouldn't hurt a fly as they say!

but she had no other choice to kill it and dump it in the toilet if she wanted to sleep

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Guest Slipper Guyquad
15 hours ago, patou said:

Tell you the truth, I understand better If it was him, she's reconciled again I hope not

Who else can it be? No one. Literally no one else. Wasn't Paul, Malia, her Dad, her other friend back home, the salon girls or the delivery driver. So who's left?

She will forgive him very quickly as usual. And she doesn't realise this but, it is him who wins, not her. Because no matter what he does, she forgives him. So he's the winner. She's the niave one here.

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