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I don't intend to make a habit of this, or to rejoin CamCaps, as I really do have more important things to attend to.

But in fairness to Pirate, I think what he's trying to say is, that you go around judging others and calling them racist and bigots when it's really you that are the intolerant one.  Rather than just disagreeing with them politely, you make a point of hating all those who's opinions or views you don't approve of.

But who the fuck are you to tell us what's appropriate, when you have shown yourself many times to be nothing more than a liar and a hypocrite.

And why do you feel this need to try to set yourself up as if you are some kind of saint, when in truth your nothing more than a naïve child that refuses to see the world clearly for what it is when it comes to those who would gladly destroy us.   

Judging others and calling them racist and bigots just shows how hypocritical you truly are.  Not a person worth listening to or to hold up in high esteem. 

You just want others to praise you, and to support you, but there's nothing there to praise or to support.

Stop trying to police us!  Your not a noble enough person to sit in judgment of others, and I think that most people can see that, so give it a rest!

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Guest bulgachica


If someone one admits to be happy being a racist fuckwit, is bullying other members I could take him to task about.  I'll carry on doing that Woodworker.

What have I lied about big man? I've told you nothing about me!!  You're right I have no tolerance for people such as yourselves.  Back when this starte I did disagree with you people politely.  That lasted until tbg got involved.  Just because his nasty filth was removed and no one can check it now, don't try and rewrite history - who's the liar man????

There's no praise going on here for me at all, except some support from one person, Nick, who agrees with me.  You, Pepe and tbg are all seriously butthurt that you can't get away with your vapid generalisations, calls to racial violence and bigoted backslapping anymore.

You can dish it out, but you sure as hell can't take it.

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For those of you who can read between the lines.  Do you now see how dishonest this Bulgachia really is in the things he has said.  He admits that he is intolerant and then tries to justify it.  And yet once again he goes on to show himself to be a true hypocrite when it comes to labeling others as haters.

I guess if you've got something to say, you'd better go and seek Bulgachia's approval first, or else risk his scathing attacks upon you.  A bullying tactic practiced by a nobody who wants so desperately to be a somebody.  But while a caterpillar may one day turn into a butterfly, a worm will always remain a worm.

I couldn't care less about his opinions or views, as I hold no respect for this type of person in life.

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Guest bulgachica

This is now an Obvious is Obvious thread.  :D

Your simpering passive aggressiveness is very transparent squirrel. Woodworker, you are a twister of words, you call people liars when you are doing that very thing.

I am exactly the opposite of intolerant. That I tolerate those who think differently to me but are harmless in doing so is proof of that. You call me a bully? Look at yourself you feckless test.  You 4 reprobates, squirrel, tbg, woodworker and Pepe are nasty little men in a bully boy clique. Safety in numbers eh? Numbers in ignorance.

Keep it up fellas, I will always reply to you and the longer this thread lasts the more likely that new members can mark your cards for the twisted gimps that you all are and steer clear of your mess.

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Guest bulgachica

And finally woodworker - in the threads that were deleted, you and tbg were calling black people niggers, laying into muslims, and advocating the use of gun violence by regular citizens - murder essentially  to "cure the problem".  Another member took issue with that and pulled you up on it, at which point you, Pepe and tbg laid into him with your bile.  That's when I became involved and that was the point your racist dominance of this board ended and you stopped posting.

You sir are the liar and the hypocrite.  You're trying to act now like a hurt rationalist by projecting your deficiencies onto me.  Everything you've called me describes you to a tee.

Guys, this is obviously done, you cannot embarrass yourselves any more, there's no need for me to respond any further to your bad boy taunts.  Take a rest, regroup, study rhetoric, try to educate yourselves but don't worry, I'm not going anywhere - next time you want to harass anyone on this board I'll be there to take you down again.

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Fuck's sake, they're all crawling out of the woodwork now.

I don't know Pirate? Are you a racist and a bigot? Do you hate non white-people for no better reason than they are not white? Do you hate Non-Australians for no better reason than they're a "bit different" to you.

Your post is tacitly implying that because I'm against these things I support Muslim extremism and the murder of innocent people, right? Are you stating that only racists and bigots care enough about the atrocities that these fucks are carrying out across the world and on our own doorsteps? 

I just googled it, about 50% of Nigeria is Muslim, so it's about a 50% chance that the families of those kidnapped girls are Muslim also.  So how do you stand on that? Muslim kidnapping Muslim, leaving Muslim families distraught? Is there a bad guy in all this in your narrow mind, or would you be happy for the kidnappers to kill the Muslim girls then turn their guns on their Muslim selves.

"But this isn't really happening in the name of Allah, it's purely my imagination, so I'm a racist and a bigot" You're argument is pathetic in the extreme, and an insult to, well, to pretty much every fucking body that works for positive change in the world!  Well done mate.

what is the deferent's between Moslem  and Jewish  they all the Abraham Children

Ultra-Orthodox young men curse and spit at Christian clergymen in the streets of Jerusalem's Old City as a matter of routine. In most cases the clergymen ignore the attacks


in my opinion they all same

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Guest Pirate

Fuck's sake, they're all crawling out of the woodwork now.

I don't know Pirate? Are you a racist and a bigot? Do you hate non white-people for no better reason than they are not white? Do you hate Non-Australians for no better reason than they're a "bit different" to you.

Your post is tacitly implying that because I'm against these things I support Muslim extremism and the murder of innocent people, right? Are you stating that only racists and bigots care enough about the atrocities that these fucks are carrying out across the world and on our own doorsteps? 

I just googled it, about 50% of Nigeria is Muslim, so it's about a 50% chance that the families of those kidnapped girls are Muslim also.  So how do you stand on that? Muslim kidnapping Muslim, leaving Muslim families distraught? Is there a bad guy in all this in your narrow mind, or would you be happy for the kidnappers to kill the Muslim girls then turn their guns on their Muslim selves.

"But this isn't really happening in the name of Allah, it's purely my imagination, so I'm a racist and a bigot" You're argument is pathetic in the extreme, and an insult to, well, to pretty much every fucking body that works for positive change in the world!  Well done mate.

what is the deferent's between Moslem  and Jewish  they all the Abraham Children

Ultra-Orthodox young men curse and spit at Christian clergymen in the streets of Jerusalem's Old City as a matter of routine. In most cases the clergymen ignore the attacks


in my opinion they all same

What's the difference between Muslims and Jews? In my opinion they are all the same. You are kidding?

First, the Muslims hate the Jews, ever since they were ordered to by Mohammed. If they could wipe them out tomorrow they would. They've all been trying long enough.

In addition, the Jews aren't trying to blow us up and take over the world. Pull your head out of your arse and take a good long look around you.

The article you referenced had absolutely nothing to do with Christians being spat on, but it was really interesting. Thank you, I suggest you all read it. It was about the Israeli govt. cracking down on militant Jews, for criminal acts against, amongst others, Palestinians. There's tolerance for you.

I love throwing the word bigot around, it's always guaranteed to get people going because it has really lost its meaning. Your assumptions are always that the disagreement is based on prejudice, rather than principle. Big, big difference. I can only assume that is the reason for your blind ignorance. Everything will be alright if we treat people with respect and accept each others differences. That would work, as I keep saying, if both sides play by the rules. One of my favourite movie lines, "taking a knife to a gun fight".

Everybody forms their opinions based on personal experience. Some of us are lucky enough to live in a pristine, crime free environment. Try living in a suburb where you grew up and made your home, to see it turn into a slum, full of crack heads and scum. Or maybe, one that's been taken over by Muslim radicals, where your wives, sisters and daughters can't walk the streets alone. These exist in the US, in the UK and Australia, allowed to fester by our ignorance and tolerance. Now its too late to turn back the tide.

Racial tolerance, multi-culturist society? Well guess what mate, in 20 or 30 years time China will still be Chinese, Indonesia will still be Indonesian, black countries will still be black, and our western civilisation will be the poor cousins looking for handouts.

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