Nick Posted May 7, 2014 Posted May 7, 2014 I got to say these Jews are pretty damn scary. Muslim or Jewish oh dear what a choice for the Holy Land!!! And to think the USA supports Israel! But then they Israel are prepared to wage war against Islam! As long as they stay there and argue over desert wasteland the better for us!! God bless you man I love that
Foamy T. Squirrel Posted May 7, 2014 Posted May 7, 2014 I got to say these Jews are pretty damn scary. Muslim or Jewish oh dear what a choice for the Holy Land!!! And to think the USA supports Israel! But then they Israel are prepared to wage war against Islam! As long as they stay there and argue over desert wasteland the better for us!! The problem is that militant Muslims are not staying there. They are here. They want us dead. I often question why Judeo-Christian religions -- of which Islam is a militant off-shoot -- all call this area of the world the "Holy Land." It is historically one of the most violent regions of the world, and it's never been at peace with itself. The only thing "holy" about it is the holes that have been shot through the bodies of the innocents.
Guest bulgachica Posted May 7, 2014 Posted May 7, 2014 A few points gentlemen: 1) I'm not a spokesperson for Islam. If you hate it that's your business - Islamic extremists are not doing anything to endear themselves to people in the Western world and Islamic moderates do not appear to be doing enough to work against it from within, so I understand your frustrations. 2) Once again Pirate has sidetracked me from my original intent which was to lock down the openly racist, bullying and bigotted "Old Dudes", leaving them to slink away whilst I'm drawn into a more rational discussion. They've been silenced for now, so if you want to have a discussion about the spread of Islamic fundamental extremism then do it but stop directing your questions about it at me as though you expect me to defend this religion. Reread Van's post, I've stated that I pretty much agree with all of it, 3) My final word on flipping Islam: All Muslims do not want to kill us. The Muslims of the Middle East and Mid-Africa are a small proportion of the 1 billion Muslims in the world today. If all 1 billion Muslims followed in the barbaric acts prevalent in the Mid-East you'd have catastrophic amount of suicide bombers. Do the math and realise that it's not helpful to the situation to brand all of them with the shitty stick. 3) I'm not going to change any of your minds and that's not something I feel the need to do either: Why should I waste my time trying to enlighten some of you people? I don't know you and I certainly don't owe you the time it would take to show you where you're tripping over yourselves. Some of you people are desperately trying to land a personal insult on me, because I stood up for social good manners and human decency against odious racist bigots (In which I have shown anumber of times that I am using the terms with justification and correctly and not bandying them around). The personal attacks are not a very good motivator to write more than the probably 1,000s of words I've written so far on this to educate some of you people. I feel that certain posters should be genuinely ashamed of their behaviour in this thread but I doubt that will be the case so therefore why continue to respond? I've stated what I aimed to do with this, the racist "Old Dudes" are silenced for now and i will do the same again in the future. It had nothing to do with Islam but everything to do with common human decency - that is still something we take pride in ourselves of in the West isn't it? Isn't it? No? Perhaps not then. Regardless, I do take pride in that and will continue to treat everyone I meet, EVERYONE, with the respect and tolerance they deserve, until they give me a reason to act otherwise. Doing so has worked out pretty fucking splendidly for me so far gentlemen, I highly recommend you try it!
TBG 150 Posted May 7, 2014 Posted May 7, 2014 Don't kid yourself. We haven't been silenced. There is no sense in trying to argue with someone that has a closed mind and has already made their mind up that everyone is wrong, but them. You keep living in your pure white world of Sweden. You don't need to post the racial and ethnic diversity of that country, I looked it up. 89% white. (2013 Census) God, I dream of a country like that. But how the hell did you manage to get Somalis (sp?) in there? 56,000 of them no less. You really need to live in a more diverse country to see why we have the opinions that we do. 80% of our prison population is black. Why? Because they are the ones doing the crimes. They have more opportunity here than any white person will ever have to better themselves. Free education, entitlements, government grants etc... We also have the prison population of Cuba and most of the Caribbean nations. These people? are savages. You really have no idea. Do you really think that I go into any business and treat someone like dirt? Get real. Any major chain has mostly blacks working in them. Maybe it's because they like their job, I don't know. But most all are very polite and I am to them. Please, thank you, ma'am, sir. That's proper business and also proper respect of your fellow person. But if you think I'm going to walk down any street and have some punk looking shit with his pants hanging off of his ass, a full set of gold teeth and a 'hoodie' on when it's 100 degrees outside coming at me, I got news for you bud. I have my hands on a .357 for my own protection. They will cut your throat in the blink of an eye. Go read what Detroit's Police Commander has told the people. Protect yourselves, because we can't. He is an advocate of the citizenry keeping themselves well armed. Home owners are taking out the trash when these savages try to break in. I have lost count of the maggots that have been slabbed this year by homeowners. We all have our own opinions and we all live in different parts of the world. You happen to be in a place where you can close your eyes at night. I don't. And I blame it on the government for letting these savages of all races, creeds and colors to run free. They lock up someone for a lousy joint, but the home invader walks with a slap on the wrist to go out and do it again. What are you going to do when some scumbag climbs in your bedroom window? Call Emergency Services. I call on Smith and Wesson. Job done. Maggot dead, less police paperwork, no trial, no jury, just a few cents worth of gas to cook the maggot and drop his scumbag ass into a 5 gallon bucket. So I'm done with all of this so called debate on who is right and who is wrong. But I'd much rather live in my world with windows than yours with blinders. I want to see who is ready to harm my family
Guest bulgachica Posted May 7, 2014 Posted May 7, 2014 Read it all before tbg, still as pathetic as ever. You da big boy with da big gun and da small mind. Yadda, yadda, yadda. I was writing about the UK you simpleton, so that covers 80% of what you've written as irrelevant straight off the bat eh? Schoolboy error there bud. After that, the rest of the nonsense you've written doesn't really work does it? You had all that time to think of something and this is the best you've got? Damn! Yeah you're right, it's much better that you aren't silent, you do 95% of the work for me you dope! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
TBG 150 Posted May 7, 2014 Posted May 7, 2014 That's the best you can do huh? You really are a loser. I'll continue on with the real people of this forum and ignore brainless idiots such as you and your butt buddy Nicky. You'll be strictly writing to yourself from here on. In fact, I urge all the members her to just simply ignore you. You're just one of those silly fools that the world must deal with. Unfortunately, you ended up here to bother us. So just do us all a favor. Fuck off and die. The world will be a better place without you.
Guest bulgachica Posted May 7, 2014 Posted May 7, 2014 Fuck off and dies so you can continue to bully people who don't share the same twisted views as you? In your dreams buddy boy, in you dreams. :-*
TBG 150 Posted May 7, 2014 Posted May 7, 2014 Fuck off and dies so you can continue to bully people who don't share the same twisted views as you? In your dreams buddy boy, in you dreams. :-* Looks like you had better use a spell checker Mr. Perfect. Or do you really think that you are perfect? Sure you do. That's your feeble mindset. You're a self loving idiot, that's all. Even calling you a worm is a compliment.
Guest Moose Posted May 8, 2014 Posted May 8, 2014 Look, gents, I picked up a virtual bottle of Laphroaig Islay Single Malt Scotch Whiskey for the Old Dude's bar. If you don't join me over there for this friggen discussion, I'll drink it all myself...
Guest Pirate Posted May 8, 2014 Posted May 8, 2014 As someone who has spent a lot of time in the Middle East, and had quite a bit of interaction with the local nationals there, I would like to put in my two cents. Though we were not supposed to speak to locals about religion, I carried on day-long conversations with our terps. They were "moderate" Muslims. Even they admitted that there will be a calafate at some point. The Islam teachings state that any non-muslim that will not conform needs to be put to death. They learns this from the time they are born. Most Iraqi muslims are different in the fact they were under Brit rule for so long. There are even a few Christians, but most will not voice their opinions because their families and the majority of other muslims will KILL them. You guys have been saying moderate Muslims refuse to speak out against the extremist. There are two reasons for this, which I have directly asked a muslim, One is moderate muslims are only moderate because they do not believe in doing the killing themselves. Even though allah says it is what needs to be done, they do not want to be killers. Two, extremist muslims are the majority of the Islam religion. Moderates cannot speak out against the extremists because they will be killed. that is why there is so many muslim on muslim attacks right now. Moderates have spoke out and they were speaking out in Iraq and that's why they are still killing eachother there. When you have had the ability to see a different culture on their own terf and have the people tell you that sooner or later they will kill you because you are not Islamic is eye opening. These were people who were helping the coalition forces. These people said they were only helping now so another murderer like saddam didn't take power. These were the moderate muslims you speak of. Extremist believed they didn't need our help. Islam in it's own words preaches hate and death to all that are not Islam. They believe women are only on this earth to produce children and nothing more than dirt. But, I have seen some of you defending them. It is asinine. If you want to call me a bigot go right ahead. I do hate Islam and anyone who says it's peaceful. They only want peace for muslims they don't want peace with anyone but, not Christians, jews, or atheists, just muslims. My experience is based on Afghanistan etc. where I was convinced that the majority are moderate. Based on your experience in Iraq, maybe that was a little naïve of me. I don't have the same feeling about the Indonesians though, that's a country scares the crap out of me, they can't hide the hate behind the gritted teeth and fake smiles, no matter how hard they try. Thanks for your input.
Guest bulgachica Posted May 8, 2014 Posted May 8, 2014 I have no idea how or why I've let myself been drawn down into this fucked up nasty hate hole? What on Earth happened there?! Almost to a man, you people are misinformed, racist internet trolls who somehow have coagulated together in a forum about voyeurism. You rarely meet more than one of your ilk on other forums in brighter places of the internet but to get 4 or 5 of you all in the same place must have surprised me enough in to believe something needed to be done about you. The simple fact that you've all agreed to ignore me, as one would do to a troll says it all! ;D The only defence you have left is to ignore the person who is calling you out about your narrow minded views, your racist ideologies and the bullying of other members of this forum. Well done Nick for standing up to these people. People like us will never win in a situation like this one as these chaps are unable to go anywhere else. These poor people need to stay here, where their mental deficiencies and bigotry are celebrated rather than challenged and as has been witnessed will band together in a pack to help defend their rights to be pricks. It is obviously a dark, scary and confusing world for them outside of this place, so the kind thing for me to do is to leave them be and forget about them forever once this note is posted. The more I think about that, the more this makes me feel very good about what has transpired here these past couple of days. You bile is contained here and man, I have certainly enjoyed helping you to help yourselves look stupid! All I have read are the witterings of fearful old men born from willful self-misinformation, undereducation, selective sourcing and latent or overt bigotry. That so many of you have found each other here allowing you to form your misanthropic support network is astonishing. I have no doubt that were distance not a problem you would meet irl once per week to circle jerk into the mouth of a grateful Pepe over pictures gleaned from Facist Weekly whilst discussing the various attributes of the weapons you pretend to own. I also have no doubt that were the moderators and owner of this forum more active in reigning you in, this place would have a lot more paying members. I myself was just about to pay the subscription as I genuinely thought that some of you had changed your ways since the last time I put you down. Thankfully you reverted to type before I was able to get my credit card ready. In summary, for the pseudo-rationalists who are unable to read a whole post or digest it properly: 1) I'm out of here, cheerio. 2) You are a bunch of cunts! :-*
Guest Pirate Posted May 8, 2014 Posted May 8, 2014 I have no idea how or why I've let myself been drawn down into this fucked up nasty hate hole? What on Earth happened there?! Almost to a man, you people are misinformed, racist internet trolls who somehow have coagulated together in a forum about voyeurism. You rarely meet more than one of your ilk on other forums in brighter places of the internet but to get 4 or 5 of you all in the same place must have surprised me enough in to believe something needed to be done about you. The simple fact that you've all agreed to ignore me, as one would do to a troll says it all! ;D The only defence you have left is to ignore the person who is calling you out about your narrow minded views, your racist ideologies and the bullying of other members of this forum. Well done Nick for standing up to these people. People like us will never win in a situation like this one as these chaps are unable to go anywhere else. These poor people need to stay here, where their mental deficiencies and bigotry are celebrated rather than challenged and as has been witnessed will band together in a pack to help defend their rights to be pricks. It is obviously a dark, scary and confusing world for them outside of this place, so the kind thing for me to do is to leave them be and forget about them forever once this note is posted. The more I think about that, the more this makes me feel very good about what has transpired here these past couple of days. You bile is contained here and man, I have certainly enjoyed helping you to help yourselves look stupid! All I have read are the witterings of fearful old men born from willful self-misinformation, undereducation, selective sourcing and latent or overt bigotry. That so many of you have found each other here allowing you to form your misanthropic support network is astonishing. I have no doubt that were distance not a problem you would meet irl once per week to circle jerk into the mouth of a grateful Pepe over pictures gleaned from Facist Weekly whilst discussing the various attributes of the weapons you pretend to own. I also have no doubt that were the moderators and owner of this forum more active in reigning you in, this place would have a lot more paying members. I myself was just about to pay the subscription as I genuinely thought that some of you had changed your ways since the last time I put you down. Thankfully you reverted to type before I was able to get my credit card ready. In summary, for the pseudo-rationalists who are unable to read a whole post or digest it properly: 1) I'm out of here, cheerio. 2) You are a bunch of cunts! :-* Here endeth the lesson.
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