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US General Domestic Politics #26 Begins 07/22/21.

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8 hours ago, golfer06 said:

Disgraced former general and convicted felon Michel Flynn is still yearning for a fascist uprising installing a one party state. How very “Christian” of these nationalist fanatics with violent tendencies. A...


The writers at the DailyKos are almost as stupid and dishonest as you, comrade Golfer.

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8 hours ago, golfer06 said:

GOP House leader McCarthy pulled a last minute stunt by offering a privileged resolution that condemned Speaker Pelosi and demanded that she reappoint the original gang of five to the Jan. 6 committee...


The "stunt" was Nancy Pelosi not allowing Republican leadership to appoint Republican members of their choice to a Congressional committee which is the normal operating procedure in the House of Representatives. Nancy Pelosi is essentially operating as a dictator in the way she runs the House.:dodgy:

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3 hours ago, O_U812 said:

Did you hear that huge "Whooshing" sound?  It was suburban voters turning blue at record rates.  Today was an extremely damaging day for the republican party.

I guess they must like higher consumer prices, rising violent crime rates, and open borders immigration policies.:confused:

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2 hours ago, Foamy T. Squirrel said:


Did you mean to say that suburban voters are now woken from the dead? Meaning they're woke but not aware? I guess I'd better find a way to defend myself. Did you say that you were duped by the Communists or that you work as an operative for them?


O_U812 ia a useful idiot for Russia, China, Iran, North Korea and all other countries who hate America and the freedom that America stands for.:sad:

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1 hour ago, golfer06 said:

During Donald J. Trump’s impeachment trial, Rep. Jamie Raskin made a clear case about what had happened under Donald J. Trump’s presidency. The acts Trump condoned on Jan. 6 were the acts of...


Same old garbage this political hack idiot spouted during the two impeachment hearings. 

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1 hour ago, golfer06 said:

U.S. Rep. Lt.Col. Adam Kinzinger [IL-16, Energy and Commerce, Foreign Affairs, Jan.6 Attack/Battle Special Committee] is now questioning witnesses ─I grew up on a farm in the midst of Lee County...


Enjoy your last days in the House, Adam.  In the 2022 election Illinois voters are going to kick your ass out and replace you with a real Republican.  

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2 hours ago, golfer06 said:

U.S. Rep. Lt.Col. Adam Kinzinger [IL-16, Energy and Commerce, Foreign Affairs, Jan.6 Attack/Battle Special Committee] is now questioning witnesses ─I grew up on a farm in the midst of Lee County...


Kinsinger is nothing more than a useful idiot for Democrats and the news media. As soon as he is of no use to them anymore they will trash him and toss him aside just like they did John McCain and Mitt Romney. 

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