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US General Domestic Politics #29 Begins 08/13/21.

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16 hours ago, happyone said:

I agree with the first sentence.

Here is a short course on school vouchers--homeschooled children might need online courses, tutoring, 


School vouchers can impact a child's special education services and legal rights under IDEA. Get a school voucher definition, and read how they affect students.

 In some cases, they may also be used for homeschooling

i still don't see where a voucher is needed. where i live online school is available free even without covid.

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3 minutes ago, golfer06 said:

it was a response to rr's constant excuse making for donny & his enablers. 

Happy is a stat man, nothing more.  And he chooses his stats to fit his own agenda.  He's no different then any of the others, IMO.

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14 hours ago, happyone said:


Don't know why RR factual statement in this case deserves cartoons for an answer---Oh you don't believe his statement---here:


OpenSecrets.org issue profile for Teachers Unions.

Click  on the tabs at the top to see more details.


Our user-friendly database of campaign contributions by industries and interest groups will help you learn how these interests gain political influence in American politics.


because as usual he tries to demonize dens as if r's are different. they aren't & he lives in an alternate reality.

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2 hours ago, O_U812 said:

....says career criminal Trump?  He can fuck right off.


Former President Donald Trump called on President Joe Biden to "resign in disgrace" on Sunday amid the U.S. troop withdrawal from Afghanistan and the Taliban's takeover of the country.


Settle down orange man.  You were the one who was going to pull troops from Afghanistan in the first place so the same result would have attributed regardless. Before you left office you pulled the troops down to a mere 2,500. The Taliban had you out numbered in droves at that point.If the sand niggers want their land back just give it to them. COVID19 happened under your watch and you sprouted lies at every turn and turned your back on the whole thing saying it was a hoax and it will go away. The only COVID19 basically left roaring is the Delta variant which is sweeping now and will claim many lives of the unvaccinated.  The border was also in chaos under your presidency so stop trying to pass the buck.  The economy was crippled even before Biden won the Presidency.  Biden did beat you so stop saying the election was fraudulent and Biden's an illegitimate President.  He's legitimate and you're not. 

Also there should be a law against all sitting Politicians, putting the entire country and future generations into debt bondage for their own self aggrandizement!!!

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14 hours ago, SPYING 1 said:

Doesn't it take 5 years of research before a vaccine is approved, this shit was rushed & my family & I won't be guinea pigs, we still don't know all the side affects this vaccine will give. There's a 99.5% survival rate on covid-19 so I'll take my chances 

you'll also take a chance on infecting others who may die. also there have been hundreds of millions of doses given so far. and let's not forget that your hero wanted to push any possible treatment out with no testing (disinfectant injection anyone?).

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13 hours ago, happyone said:

The more some people get "free" perks from the government, the more they want.  And the Democrats know that this type of addiction is hard to break, and they think it insures them more votes from those who want more "free" stuff.  But someone else is going to pay for the "free" stuff. 


but people put out on the streets will contribute no money. people with jobs (infrastructure bills) pay income & sales taxes, housing (pay property taxes). universal healthcare keeps the workforce more productive. hospitals must treat uninsured people anyway & the government will wind up paying more as treatable conditions will become worse & more expensive. money invested now will come back & everyone will be better off including you & others that think they are picking up the tab for freeloaders. also corporate welfare costs a whole lot more than taking care of citizens in need of help to get back on their feet after a crisis.

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13 hours ago, StnCld316 said:

It all gets added to the National Debt. The bill will always come due sooner or later. 

and if everyone stays homeless, jobless, & unhealthy & maybe forced to commit crimes to live the debt will grow & there will be no chance of paying it off EVER!

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