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US General Domestic Politics #29 Begins 08/13/21.

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I don' know who ridge runner is, but I've been on camcaps for a while now.  This is my first time really posting in the political forum section of it though.

O_U812 it's obvious to me you're a lefty who will follow President Pee-Pants all the way off the cliff without even hestitating once.   Whatever, guy.. you do you.

But in case there's any question about how Trump would have handled things differently... Pence is saying the SAME THING that every single Trump cabinet member said about his plans to withdraw from Afghanistan........ that they actually had a plan, unlike Biden who just said... DURR GET US OUT NAOW!


Former Vice President Mike Pence claimed Tuesday that President Joe Biden reneged on the cease-fire deal his predecessor, former President Donald Trump, agreed with the Taliban in February 2020.

BTW, there's now a memoire floating around from a deceased Obama official that shows that Biden actually and frankly said: Fuck the Afghans! ...when Obama was talking about pulling out during his run as President.

But don't let facts hurt your hatred.

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8 hours ago, O_U812 said:

Show me the list.


Critics are slamming former President Barack Obama and his birthday bash last weekend...

74 scumbags got covid-19 at obama's birthday party & the evil 😈 wicked 😈 democrats won't let people go to church or a funeral.

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Biden to Americans Stuck in Afghanistan: You Are On Your Own

From the State Department note to those trying to evacuate: “Thank you for registering your request to be evacuated from Afghanistan….Please make your way to Hamid Karzai International Airport at this time,” the note reads. “ PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT THE UNITED STATES CANNOT GUARANTEE YOUR SECURITY AS YOU MAKE THIS TRIP” (Yahoo). From Andrew McCarthy: Given this shocking notification, it is worth remembering what President Biden represented to the nation just a day ago. Twice, he assured us that his administration had planned for “every contingency,” expressly “including the rapid collapse we’re seeing now” — i.e., the collapse of the U.S.-backed regime in Kabul and takeover of the country by the Taliban. One glaringly obvious and imperative contingency, of course, was the safe evacuation of American civilians (National Review). From Seth Mandel: Hopefully someone can get word to the stranded Americans in Kabul trying to make their way to the airport through Taliban checkpoints that we’re making progress on the infrastructure bill (Twitter). The Biden administration later said they are relying on the Taliban to be kind and let people enter the airport (Fox News). This, after a number of stories and videos of the Taliban beating people outside the airport (RedState). From journalist Frud Bezhan: Taliban have put up checkpoints at entrance to #Kabul airport, residents tell me. That’s preventing thousands of Afghans who have travel docs from leaving. As @WSJ reports, some evacuation flights leaving nearly empty. Window of opportunity closing for Afghans to escape (Twitter). From Noah Rothman: I never thought I’d read these words. The world’s only nation capable of sustained global power projection won’t help its citizens stranded in a country in which it’s operated for 20 years for fear of running afoul of a militia. We’re choosing decline (Twitter). From Guy Benson: … it’s also darkly laughable for Biden to claim his administration planned for every contingency. Apparently the reality contingency didn’t make the cut, despite senior military officials warning against this course of action, and advocates for America’s loyal Afghan allies outright begging for an orderly plan to deliver them to safety before the Taliban seized control and came knocking (Townhall). Video from outside the Kabul airport, where thousands still hope for rescue as gunfire is all around them (Twitter). From another story: McConnell told “Special Report” that he never would have left Afghanistan, especially not the way the Biden administration has. The Kentucky lawmaker said only 1% of the Pentagon’s budget was being directed toward Afghan operations, which were successfully “keep[ing] the lid on in Afghanistan” (Fox News).

Click on the (orange) for expanded reading.

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Democrat Congressman Calls Biden Claim on Afghans Not Wanting to Leave “Utter BS”

From Massachusetts congressman Seth Moulton: “I mean, don’t tell me that Afghans don’t want to leave when there’s been a backlog of Special Immigrant Visa applications for over a decade. Don’t tell me they don’t want to leave when they’re literally clinging to airplanes to try to get out of this country. That was the single part of the president’s speech that I not only disagreed with but I thought was just utter BS.

The Hill
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18 hours ago, StarLight28 said:

The fact is that the little US Republican idiot of Bush junior attacked Afghanistan - with brothers in arms from Europe.

A mistake and proof that NATO is complete nonsense and must be dissolved. After Korea, Vietnam and Iraq, the US must now once again leave a country that it has illegally attacked internationally as beaten stupid dogs. When will this unjust state finally learn ???

20 years of struggle with high losses - without result. Training of Afghan soldiers? A flop. Cowards who do not want to fight and show the white flag do not deserve help. Like the Italians in WK 2nd attack flag: "White cross on white ground".

And Germany with Europe must pay for and suffer this US nonsense. NATO gone and Ami gone. Europe does not need the US warmongers !!!

Last time I checked--Germany was located in Europe!!

I guess Germany will do the same thing--leave a country

! And speaking of cowards---


In 2020 the German Parliament has extended the Afghanistan mission for the last time. It was the bloodiest deployment of the Bundeswehr in Germany's postwar history. After two decades, witnesses take stock.

An excerpt from the article:

A full troop withdrawal was out of the question for the Merkel government. "For political reasons, they wanted to continue being the third-largest provider of troops in Afghanistan. Doing so meant Germany had weight in the EU, the United Nations and above all in NATO." The allies reacted with confusion to this contradictory behavior of the Germans and sometimes found the Bundeswehr soldiers to be cowards. "Anyone who tried to make an objective judgment knew that the German soldiers can and want to fight, but they are not allowed to," says Neitzel. The reasons, he says, stem from Germany's history: "The events of the Third Reich and the Second World War still have a massive impact on German political culture. But that is also used as an excuse."

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9 hours ago, O_U812 said:

And I say again, this was going to be a mess no matter who was leading the way.

No! Biden had seven months to remove civilians from Afghanistan in a slow orderly manner before removing our military forces. He chose to remove the military first.   

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