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Two local women sued officials in Greece, New York, objecting to invocations at


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Guest ww_watcher

Bulgachica, please don't bring your spiteful, petty, dysfunctional relationship with #6 (Squirrel?) into another thread. If you must continue this behavior do it somewhere where I, and possibly the others, don't have to watch it. If you must know I am the one who inferred that it is sad that atheists may be empty inside, not #6 (Squirrel). Atheism is a choice YOU made but it does not put you on a moral high ground over faith based religions. Yes, religious hard-liners are responsible for a considerable amount of misery in this world but greed (money-theism) and intolerance from both walks of life have done the most damage by far. So stop your bickering, clean up the mess you made and start talking like gentlemen. Please!

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Guest ww_watcher

I am sorry. BChica used your quote in riposte to Squirrel. That's why I had it in quotes; though I seem to have forgotten the question mark after Squirrel. Sorry 'bout the confusion.

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Bulgachica, please don't bring your spiteful, petty, dysfunctional relationship with #6 (Squirrel?) into another thread. If you must continue this behavior do it somewhere where I, and possibly the others, don't have to watch it. If you must know I am the one who inferred that it is sad that atheists may be empty inside, not #6 (Squirrel). Atheism is a choice YOU made but it does not put you on a moral high ground over faith based religions. Yes, religious hard-liners are responsible for a considerable amount of misery in this world but greed (money-theism) and intolerance from both walks of life have done the most damage by far. So stop your bickering, clean up the mess you made and start talking like gentlemen. Please!

Just a little intellectual information that supports the belief that totalitarian governments require strict religious, economic and political allegiance in order to function:


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Guest ww_watcher

Thanks #6. Though we were discussing the assassination of Christianity in America, I don't mind learning new things. In the document to which I was referred, I wonder why no mention was made of King Leopold II of Belgium and his democide of the Congolese for Ivory, rubber, and slaves. Hitler and Stalin attacked Jews so I can see the relevance but the Chinese issue was one of greed and imperialism.

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As Watcher has mentioned.  Christianity is under attack by the liberals and the media that they control.

I just heard today that the Home and Garden channel HG TV has cancelled a show because of these two men that mentioned their Christian belief. 

I for one don't support these intolerant liberal TV stations, just as I'll never buy coffee at Starbucks.


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I've never had Starbucks either. For what one cup of their mud costs I can get a few weeks worth out of a container of Maxwell House.

TV? Do you really want to hear about TV? Two weeks ago I resurrected an over the air antenna and put it up. I told the cable company to pack it with their $175 a month for the Liberal swill that's out there. They're still calling me with 'special deals'. They should have considered that when they raised the rates and priced themselves right out of the market.

You turn on the TV. What do you see in just about every commercial? A mixed race family with mixed race parents. Gays slobbering over each other. Rednecks and their, 'Hey watch this', as they get almost killed. Honey Boo-Boo. A fat little POS with trailer trash parents. The Kardashians? Puuullleeeeze. I'm going to spend money to see that?

In 6 months I'll have saved enough to fund the cost of my new laptop.

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I'm still laughing over TBG's hatred for TV.  I couldn't agree more.  He left out the pandering to the feminist in making all the men look irrelevant, or in having them come off as nothing more than buffoons.

But what he says pretty much sums up my take on the liberal broadcast system as well. 

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I have long admired and respected certain women such as Jean Kirkpatrick, or Margaret Thatcher, as well as a whole host of others that were not involved in politics.

But I just can't abide the bitter, sour faced feminist, who hate men out of nothing more than that of pure jealousy.   

Let me put it another way,.. I have no problem with women until they start to act like the bridge they just drove across was somehow designed, or engineered, or built by them.

So lets get something straight here you miserable cunts,..  It was men who built Hoover Dam, and men who put a man on the moon, and men who came up with all these life saving serums that has led to the marvels of modern medicine. 

So just remember this as you feminist go about mocking us men, all the while shoving a man made product up your ass once a month,.. please do not resent or hate us men too much for all the wonderful products and inventions that we have brought forth your way within your miserable lives.

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Guest ww_watcher

Don't you two old farts get too entrenched in your He-Man Woman Haters Club. LOL. Here's why. http://www.legacy.com/news/legends-and-legacies/hedy-lamarr-actress-and-inventor/73/



...this changed everything at the typing pool...


...and I'll leave you guys with this.


Heh heh, just thought I'd rattle your trees.

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