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US General Domestic Politics #30 Begins 08/21/21.

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33 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

Everything to this ignorant, evil woman is just a big political game. She couldn't care less about the people trapped in Afghanistan except for the damage it does to her political future.

Du kannst nicht lesen, Du kannst nicht hören und Du kannst nicht sehen - Du bist ein nutzloser Idiot in dieser Welt ! Dein Tod berührt mich nicht.

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2 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

Back to your sick obsession with asses and shit I see. Putin needs to find a good psychiatrist for you quickly before you completely unravel. Mentally unstable people don't make very good propaganda agents,comrade Golfer.:biggrin:

you live inside of a traitor's ass yet i am obsessed with asses? your ability to fantasize about the same non existent world knows no bottom. 

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2 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

You're projecting again. Was that one of the propaganda techniques taught to you in Russian agent school, comrade Golfer?

a projection failure from you about a projection failure from you. hardly surprising since you ran out of any relevancy long ago.

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2 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

More credibility than Joe Biden has right now.  Even our NATO allies are saying Biden is an incompetent fool, Russian agent comrade Golfer.:dodgy:

hardly as you have no credibility at all. your traitor worshipping ass kissing is apparently limitless.

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2 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

Here's a truth for you. The brilliant Joe Biden pulled our troops out of Afghanistan and abandoned a key military airbase before American civilians and Afghan refugees had been evacuated from the country. 

here is another truth. he made a mistake by following donny traitor's half of a plan. bad mistake.

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2 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

This is how a loser like you behaves when he is confronted with truths that don't fit his programmed mind. He hides behind his childish gifs.

in case you missed the message here it is again. you never tell the truth & have no idea what truth is. and you are a total loser.

giphy - 2021-08-23T134623.430.gif

giphy - 2021-08-23T134613.628.gif

giphy - 2021-08-23T134559.016.gif

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2 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

But he was a totalitarian dictator just like Stalin and Mao. Political philosophies were different, but manner of ruling were almost identical. Including using agents like you to spread their propaganda, distortions and lies, comrade Golfer.:dodgy:

and that was exactly what donny traitor wanted to be. a dictator. but an agent like me would always be working against that so you are again caught in your own lying fantasy world. now go back to the asspartment & continue your nap.

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