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US General Domestic Politics #30 Begins 08/21/21.

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9 hours ago, maxfactor said:

Giving away free stuff is the least of our problems with idiots like this "Minister of Gender Equity"   WTF she's  ...golfer's hero.


Canada's minister of women and gender equality says her mention of the Taliban as 'our brothers' during a press conference Wednesday is a 'cultural reference,' after receiving criticism for her choice of language.


i see that you haven't read the article. she is trying to talk to the taliban in a civil manner hoping that they will show some respect for the people whether they are leaving or not. do you have a problem with that or would you rather stay & escalate the unwinnable war?

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9 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

And the Republican leadership in Washington, D.C. is too fucking stupid to tell the American people exactly what is in the bill. That's why Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer make them look so impotent.:sad:

the qtrumplicans are impotent because they want to stop people from voting & ignore the dangers of covid among other things that aren't helping the country rather than backing some policies that would actually help.

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9 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

You say the Taliban can't be trusted but then you say we should honor the Taliban deadline for evacuating Americans and allies from Afghanistan because it's their country even though the Taliban are not allowing evacuees to get to the airport.:huh:     So we should just leave on 8/31 and leave those people to the mercy of the Taliban?:dodgy:

if you actually read the post you would see that i said biden is doing what is necessary at this time. he is saying that we will leave by 8/31 so that the taliban will cooperate with the evacuation. when the final date arrives we'll see how things stand. or would you rather escalate the unwinnable war & stay for another 20yrs?

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9 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

Who gives a damn what a German has to say about how Americans conduct their elections. It's none of your fucking business.

your ignorance continues to control you. you really should learn about reality or just shut up.

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9 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

No, I think you are a racist. That's what you say about any White person who disagrees with the policies of Black Democrats. 

again you show that you will ignore reality even when it smacks you right in the face.

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9 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

"Turning over election laws they don't like" is exactly what the Democrats are trying to do with the "For the People Act".  They are trying to overturn the voting laws of all fifty states with one piece of legislation.:dodgy:

the laws that qtrumplicans passed so that they could cheat. or didn't you notice that all of the questionable laws were passed after donny traitor's loss? silly question. of course you didn't notice as you were still napping just as you have been for the past 5 yrs at least.

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9 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

In Afghanistan the Taliban beat women for not wearing a burka. In America Democrats beat people for not wearing masks.:dodgy:

you must be the only person that saw dems beating someone for not wearing a mask. or was that in your dream? silly question. of course it was. it must have been since you haven't been awake for at least the past 5 yrs.

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9 hours ago, StarLight28 said:

I take the liberty of commenting on that. "Americans" are obviously too stupid to organize themselves alone. The USA has for years become more and more a state of chaos that is leading other countries to ruin. The US leading power ??? A laughing stock. The US must first solve its own social and racist problems - and has done for decades.

Wars abroad are always just distractions from the increasing internal chaos of the US. YOU will no longer understand this - but maybe following generations.

well stated. we have spent way too much time saying that we are wonderful while not being wonderful at all. we should be actually doing what is needed to take care of our own people & then lead by example. unfortunately the qtrumplicans refuse to contribute to building anything. they simply rail against everything while offering no solutions. 

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8 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

She's the minister of women and gender equality and calling the Taliban 'our brothers' ? Put her on a plane and send her to Afghanistan so that she can live with her Taliban brothers and see firsthand how they feel about her views on women and gender equality. 

read the fucking article or stfu. you offer nothing that would ever help at all.

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9 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

If your PM is such an embarrassment why do Canadians keep electing him?:huh:

donny traitor has been the biggest embarrassment in american history yet you continue to make excuses for him so here is a suggestion. clean up your own house before criticizing others.

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