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they both just beat the puppy on cam

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Guest asutaru

look right now,this crazy guy arguing the dog in the corner and the puppy are afraid and crying,go in hell stupid guy

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The prize Rusian cunt is tormenting the dog again whilst the rest of the fucking no-marks just watch.

The whole lot of the fucking wankers need to be beaten to a pulp. They are all a complete waste of space.

I hope they all die young. They deserve it!!!!

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The prick has got the dog cornered and is simply looking down on it and pushing it and holding it down.

What the fuck is his problem with the dog. What does he expect it to do? What does he want it to do?

It is beyond comprehension what his problem is.

In the meantime all the others are just staring at the TV.

He is sitting so close to the camera I feel like I could just reach inside and pull the fucker through the screen. If I did I could beat him black and blue and torment him for hours!!!

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Guest asutaru

it's finish give my money for this website if this guy stay on rlc.

and rlc do nothing ! is it normal in russian do this with the animals !

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See how the priorities have now been screwed around. This is outstretched on the lounge, but I'm here more worried about the dog being mistreated.

Nice picture you have posted, but Scooter is facing in the wrong direction.
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Listen kids, I'll say this exactly once before I depart:


Post the evidence or quit ragging on these people. It's not proper intel procedures to make judgments without data and evidence.

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Seriously, none of you sound like you've ever raised a puppy. Sometimes you have to be harsh with punishments and the rest of the times you have to be loving. Dogs can really be annoying from time to time be it with whining, barking or even insisting to play. I have a dog and he pees and poos everywhere, I have to shout at him so that one day he will refrain himself from shitting all around. However, I suppose I'm too loving towards him that he continues to do so. I don't mind, I'll clean the house everyday. Though not every person is the same, character and personality differs from person to person. Just like the most of you here who insist on the subject that they beat the puppy and yet no fucking evidence to back up your accusations. For now, you're all like my dog who whines for no apparent reason all day long. However, I won't be as loving and caring towards you as I am towards my dog. Because you people are absolute strangers while my dog is my family. So, same goes towards this couple. I'm sure they love the dog, perhaps they might have a different way of showing it. Either get some fucking evidence to support your claims or stfu. Because it makes you look like a 5 year old kid who got his/her candy taken away.

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