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US General Domestic Politics #31 Begins 08/27/21.

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46 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

Oh yeah, the Democratic Party, your public schools, and the news media have gaslighted you for years and you are too dumb to see it.

Und Du bist in die Republikaner-Schule gegangen, bist nur blöde geblieben, und hast noch nicht einmal lesen gelernt. Armes Schwein !

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unbelievable that a band of fanatic bearded monkeys armed with old kallachs picked up on the ground, could have taken so easily, without fighting, a country for which the West and the United States have invested several decades and millions of dollars, to arm and form a regular Afghan army !!!!! an Afghan army which literally dropped its weapons at the approach of the Taliban, who now have an arsenal more powerful than many countries, from the ultra modern semi-automatic rifle, to missiles and even to fighter planes !!!! ! all that remains is for this bunch of murderous and pedophile morons to quietly prepare numerous attacks targeting the West and the United States !!!! in France we already have 5 who are identified as Taliban, and we are going to welcome thousands of them !!!! Western European countries are lost, invaded by the Maghreb and Africa, and I think the United States is also at the end, plagued by woks, progressivism and live black matter who claim absolutely anything !!! I don't think that this time, god will be able to protect America !!!!

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46 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

So where's the video? And even if there is video of a drone strike on a vehicle it doesn't prove that the people in the vehicle were members of ISIS K.  Could have just as easily been innocent Afghan citizens.


Leider hast offensichtlich nicht DU in dem Fahrzeug gesessen, sonst würde uns Dein permanenter BS erspart bleiben. 😁


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1 minute ago, corboblanc said:

unbelievable that a band of fanatic bearded monkeys armed with old kallachs picked up on the ground, could have taken so easily, without fighting, a country for which the West and the United States have invested several decades and millions of dollars, to arm and form a regular Afghan army !!!!! an Afghan army which literally dropped its weapons at the approach of the Taliban, who now have an arsenal more powerful than many countries, from the ultra modern semi-automatic rifle, to missiles and even to fighter planes !!!! ! all that remains is for this bunch of murderous and pedophile morons to quietly prepare numerous attacks targeting the West and the United States !!!! in France we already have 5 who are identified as Taliban, and we are going to welcome thousands of them !!!! Western European countries are lost, invaded by the Maghreb and Africa, and I think the United States is also at the end, plagued by woks, progressivism and live black matter who claim absolutely anything !!! I don't think that this time, god will be able to protect America !!!!

And now the brilliant leaders of Western nations are going to help the Taliban to reopen and operate the airport in Kabul. Once the airport is reopened the Taliban will be able to fly out their primary export, Islamist terrorists. 

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42 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

Drone strikes could have been conducted on anyone in Afghanistan just to take heat off Biden, the State Dept, and the Pentagon for the unnecessary deaths of 13 U.S. service members at the Kabul airport. Strange that they could so easily locate and kill ISIS K terrorists after the airport attack but couldn't locate and kill the terrorists before the attack.:dodgy:


WEil die Spuren erst NACH dem Angriff offenbar wurden, Du Trottel. Du bist ein widerlicher "Klugscheisser" aus Trump-Arsch.


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41 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

I don't trust anything the "officials" of the Biden administration say about anything, period.

Du traust niemand, Du hängst immer noch im Arsch von dem Idioten von "deutschstämmigen Trump".  😁


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43 minutes ago, Foamy T. Squirrel said:

On a point of personal privilege, I would ask that English-speaking posters here utilize English terms properly, instead of NewSpeak.

For example:

In Military terms, a Victory means that the enemy no longer has a desire to resist.

A Withdrawal is when you remove your presence in a battlefield as a coordinated, controlled effort, and it works brilliantly against the enemy when it is done to feign a Retreat. If done properly, he can lead to either victory or cessation of hostilities on a permanent basis.

A Retreat is when you back up, usually to save what's left of your forces.

A Rout is when you are wiped-out, the leaders lose all proper judgement, and leave behind valuable equipment, soldiers, marines, citizens and allies. This is generally followed by Excuses and Blaming Others.

It was a Rout. Not a Withdrawal. The conditions of the surrender will be overpriced  amounts of tribute and lives to the demands of the Taliban. Biden holds NO CARDS.

He's a Loser, and even our closest allies realize this. He doesn't. He's just a puppet of our enemies.





Das ist ziemlich blumig und diffus. Können Sie das auch konkreter und kürzer formulieren ??? Und erläutern was Sie eigentlich wirklich wollen ???

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48 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

The speech Joe Biden gave to day about the end of the Afghanistan War is a perfect example of gaslighting. Now, lets see if the American people buy it, or if they can see through the lies and disinformation.


Warum so kritisch ?? Ass Trump hat das amerikanische Volk 4 Jahre lang systematisch belogen, hinters Licht geführt und Desinformationen verbreitet. Wo warst DU da als Mahner für Wahrheit ?? Im dunklen Arsch von Trump ???


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49 minutes ago, Foamy T. Squirrel said:

I wonder if the mass beheadings at the soccer fields will be streamed live on YouTube, FaceBook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Wo hast DU die gesehen? Zeige ein Video davon hier im Forum - Danke.


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