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Covering the camera

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Well, it sounds like they have friends over or something, but they have a sheet or curtain thrown over the kitchen camera so I'm not sure.

Is RLC okay with them doing this? I've been thinking about becoming a member, but I don't want to spend the money on it if the tenants are just going to cover the cameras.

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Well, it sounds like they have friends over or something, but they have a sheet or curtain thrown over the kitchen camera so I'm not sure.

Is RLC okay with them doing this? I've been thinking about becoming a member, but I don't want to spend the money on it if the tenants are just going to cover the cameras.

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Oh la la

Si les invités s'amusent à cacher les caméras pour ..., ça ne va peut-être pas durer longtemps cette histoire...

Goglish translation

If guests have fun hide cameras ... it's not going may not last long this story ...

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Well, it sounds like they have friends over or something, but they have a sheet or curtain thrown over the kitchen camera so I'm not sure.

Is RLC okay with them doing this? I've been thinking about becoming a member, but I don't want to spend the money on it if the tenants are just going to cover the cameras.

save you $$$ lol I don't pay one cent

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Looks like they only cam that they have covered is the free one. Also, I don't think I've ever seen such a good view out their window, granted I don't watch them that often.

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none of the other cams are hid maybe they have the window open and it got covered

translated I hope. aucun des autres cames sont cachés peut-être qu'ils ont la fenêtre ouverte et il s'est couvert

Looks like you pay loose

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Guest Pirate

Well, it sounds like they have friends over or something, but they have a sheet or curtain thrown over the kitchen camera so I'm not sure.

Is RLC okay with them doing this? I've been thinking about becoming a member, but I don't want to spend the money on it if the tenants are just going to cover the cameras.

save you $$$ lol I don't pay one cent

Great idea. Everybody stop paying membership to RLC then if will go broke and fold up. Most of us will still have heaps to do on CC without it, and you my friend will then fuck off all together.

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Guest asutaru

the camera 2 have moving a little on the left when they was playing  ,now we don't see the couch complete!

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Looks like they only cam that they have covered is the free one. Also, I don't think I've ever seen such a good view out their window, granted I don't watch them that often.

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That suks

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