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US General Domestic Politics #32 Begins 09/11/21.

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37 minutes ago, SPYING 1 said:

Even though the Soviet Union collapsed under the crushing weight of its own economic...


the article was very interesting & contained a lot of factual material. but if you read it carefully you will see that most of the things that you are afraid of are being perpetrated by your heroes & then the blame is projected to others. the division is being fed by right wing hate groups (proudboys, 3 percenters, etc) supported by the rich (trump & his supporters) turning everyone against each other. it mentioned homelessness (something that you support wholeheartedly) joblessness, starvation, all of which can be much improved by simply allowing the government to actually work for the people. the education system has been hijacked. but not by left wing liberals but rather by knuckle dragging "conservatives" that don't want the truth to be told about anything that may expose what a bunch of lying hypocrites that they are. and surprise! it's working because 40 some % of the people are buying it. not because they believe it but because they are afraid. a constant state of fear permeates everything & must be perpetuated at all times because if anyone lets up for a few minutes the charade will be exposed for it's phoniness. the manufactured crises are happening constantly. they usually have 1 thing in common. they are all fixable but they must not be fixed because the perpetrators would then lose their power over us. just think for a second. if the main things that are being argued about in congress about infrastructure, voting rights, healthcare, civil rights would be enacted we wouldn't need congress to argue about everything & corporations wouldn't have to keep bribing them all to keep everything in turmoil. but as for covidism i guess that you'll believe in it because that is what you want to believe. there is just 1 problem. covid is real & if you catch it you may die. that's where your freedom will lead. the good news is that no one will miss you.

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A far-right doctor who calls COVID-19 vaccines "needle rape" is exacerbating Idaho's ongoing coronavirus crisis — which has left the state with a shortage of ICU beds and forced hospitals to turn away...


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Donald Trump is out for revenge, and his primary target appears to be members of the GOP establishment — whom he often refers to as "Republicans in Name Only," or RINOs — who haven't blindly...


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The California recall election loss should serve as a warning to the Republican Party, according to a former GOP aide, but he doubts they'll learn the right lesson from it.Kurt Bardella, a former staffer to two GOP...


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Republicans in at least nine counties that former president Donald Trump won by more than 24 points are calling for Arizona-style audits of 2020 election results despite no evidence of widespread fraud, NBC...


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6 hours ago, O_U812 said:

It's far too late.  QTrumplicans are already programmed.  2022 will be a bloodbath for the Right.  We will expand our Senate & House majorities, thus shutting down Manchin and Sinema.

If Americans love Biden's policies so much why do his poll numbers continue to fall?

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