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Leora - Home Activities #57

Slipper Guyquad

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    In the not too distant past, I thought I might get to post a nice little tune that could be dedicated to a certain aspect of the close friendship of Leora and Malia that unfortunately never seemed to have occurred, but if it had, that nice little tune dedication would have been:


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53 minutes ago, Nicholas said:

    Not in the too distant past, I thought I might get to post a nice little ole tune that could be dedicated to a certain aspect of the close friendship of Leora and Malia that unfortunately never seemed to have occurred


Exactly one year ago tonight, they had a happy ending massage that both really got into, Leora wearing her glasses and causing her to go all Eric Morecombe at the end (Some people will get the reference!). 

All gone forever!

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Maybe she did a few hours at the Salon, very possible as her hours have increased slightly.

Could she though have met LB for a few hours? Again, Very possible. 

My view on why all this is how it is, having read the last few pages? Simple, the same as i've thought for a long, long time.

Power. Having control over someone else. Feelings? Yes, of course, but they don't come anywhere near the ones she still has for Paul (And she has said this kind of thing out loud). But has anything actually changed with her and LB? No. Earl is right, things are exactly the same.

As far as LB is concerned that is. I don't call him weak and gullible for nothing.


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1 hour ago, ddhm said:

 Pff , it is the speculations day 😂🤣😂🤣

      Yes, it is. This, and every day in this thread. Nothing will ever change, because between the pathetic sick posts, made by a few, and the desperate need for all to know what Leora does in her time away from the cameras. Speculation runs amuck !

     When Leora is seen via the cameras, what is posted ?  She is boring, doing the same thing every day. What is it, that you expect of her to do.?  She provides entertainment for a very few. Doing what she wants to do, when she wants to, how she wants to. Is that so very hard to understand?  Somehow, in spite of what is posted here, those "very few" keep her, if not at the top of the live, and replay thumbnails. She, if she is in the apartment, will always be very near the top. 

    For those who would live her life for her.  Please on an hour to hour basis, document what you do every day for a month. Then at the end of the month, mark your repetitive actions. It is called " real life " !  

    RLC's by line " the private lives of people 24/7 " does not include, as seen via the cameras.  We the viewers are entitled to watch those cameras 24/7 , should we wish to do so. 

      Let me interject a novel idea, opinionated it may be, " Live, and let live "!  If what you see when viewing the cameras of any of the apartments does not meet your fancy, or perverted ideology, or one just does not like what you see. Why, may I ask, does one not only continue to watch the tenant(s), but also attempts to direct, no dictate, how a tenant, in this case, Leora should live her life ??

    I realize that this is a forum, where opinions are expressed. I also am very aware that there are many assorted personalities posting. I personally, have become very disenchanted, with the status quo ideology direction, this forum is going. 😞

     Perhaps Leora has created the character of LB, just to feed the gullibility of this forum. Grinning ear to ear, and laughing out loud. While reading what is written, outside the view of the cameras !  🤣

     Let the psychology experts sort that possibility out !!!   😂



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