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Drug use?

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este no es drogadicto ni vergonzoso lo que es MARICON , menudo muerto de tio , con 20 y pico años iba a estar mi novia en la cama y yo en el comedor con el ipad , HOY NO , MAÑANAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA tonto que eres tonto

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I am pretty sure it was a needle and he showed it to her and she immediately jumped up and went to the back with him.

Crack Heads.

Saw ruslan take a bath today (not a pretty sight mind you) but there are no needle marks on him. I doubt they use any kind of syringes unless they shoot between the toes or something. Maybe they are potheads (hence the frequent balcony visits).

The "mood" they are in does seem like a very frustrated kind of mood which sometimes gets blown away after a phonecall. I recognise this as the "chase".. When you dont have anything (alcohol or drugs) the only thing occupying your mind is the next time you can get drunk/high. And when you get confirmation that you will be in a few hours the mood suddenly goes up..

However this beeing said, I dont think they are heavy drug addicts or alcoholics (actually the same but thats a different topic). I would maybe go as far as to say that they smoke sometimes.. Or pops some benzo (seems very low at times).. But nothing more.

And yes I do have first hand knowledge/experience.. :)

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Peut-etre je me trompe, mais je pense que c'est vous les grands malades...

Ce sont de pauvres jeunes, perdus, certainement sans ressources, qui se retrouvent là on ne sait pourquoi.

C'est vrai que l'on attend autre chose de leur présence, mais attendons quelques jours de plus.

Et arrêtez avec vos affirmations complètement sans fondement...

Maybe I'm wrong, but I think it's great you sick ...

They are poor young, lost, certainly without resources, which are found there no one knows why.

It is true that something of their presence is expected, but wait a few more days.

And stop with your claims completely unfounded ...

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Peut-etre je me trompe, mais je pense que c'est vous les grands malades...

Ce sont de pauvres jeunes, perdus, certainement sans ressources, qui se retrouvent là on ne sait pourquoi.

C'est vrai que l'on attend autre chose de leur présence, mais attendons quelques jours de plus.

Et arrêtez avec vos affirmations complètement sans fondement...

Maybe I'm wrong, but I think it's great you sick ...

They are poor young, lost, certainly without resources, which are found there no one knows why.

It is true that something of their presence is expected, but wait a few more days.

And stop with your claims completely unfounded ...

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Bien vu l'artiste, ces gens sont fort démunis en tout...(Argent,vêtements etc...)

Cela se voit à la fréquence qu'ils changes de vêtements et au fait qu'ils font de très petits achats de boissons et nourritures au quotidien...(Quand ce n'est pas l'amie qui apporte de quoi mangé). ;)

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