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Leora - Home Activities #64

pulo filipe

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2 hours ago, patou said:



Merci pour vos commentaires leoea est rentrée très tard vers minuit d’après que j’ai pu lire, ce fut une soirée très calme et on ce n’est pas ou elle est allée après la danse

Ce matin on m’installe la fibre je ne serais pas connecté je compte sur vous pour les nouvelles

On n’est jeudi que sera la journée

Très bonne journée à vous

Patou have a great happy day with the wife 

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19 minutes ago, mowing said:

Does she not sing in German sometimes ?

I have always believed that Leora does speak German . When Leora arrived in Prague when making phone calls

she would ask Do you speak English or Sprechen Sie Deutsch. It great to hear that Leora is now speaking Czech

as G-H stated she must be really doing well at her classes.

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5 hours ago, jimbo4 said:

I have been a big admirer of Leora for many years now, but also one of her fiercest critics when I think she may be taking the piss out of the subscribers of RLC, purely my opinion of course, and as a fee paying member I feel I am justified to air my views if at times I am not satisfied.

I don't at the moment feel she deserves criticism regarding her contribution, I asked that she tried to balance her private life with what I see as he moral commitment to her fans and members, and as far as I am concerned she is now trying to accomplish that request.

Naturally we all have different views on what we think we are entitled to as subscribers, motivated mostly by sexual preferences or other aspects that are of interest to us as individuals, but we certainly do not have a divine right to anything more than she gives us. 

You quote RLC rules, but nowhere in RLC rules does it state that she has to do anything . She would I believe not last long if she didn't do anything at all, and the members deserve some reward for thier subscription but she is certainly not compelled to do so...solely her choice !

She can at times be unbelievably frustrating and at other times unbelievably satisfying, so to my mind she has almost struck the right balance...What she does outside the apartment has never been any of my business and I therefor have no interest at all in that side of her life, if she wanted me or us to know she would bring it home or contact us in other ways to inform us...She hasn't, so her choice must be respected. 

My only complaint at the moment is one of personal choice !! BRING BACK THE BRAZILIAN PLEASE !!!!!!!🙃

I am always an admirer of your posts and comments as you know and I have stated this publicly here at the forum , the reason is exactly what you are referring in your current post , that is you being a “ fiercest critic “ as you say , something that deserves my big respect and I think also from the majority here ( which might be the reason that has brought you to have rants with the “ usual threes “ … ) 


Anyway , I am at times and I admit , more strict of the way I post a comment here concerning Leora but look how I analyze my frustration of this particular apartment . Imagine if all of the apartments had the way of life exactly how Leora has chosen . Do you honestly believe that RLC would have made it to last 10 years ? Imagine the rest 10 apartments that the tenants led an isolated and lonely - inside the apartment - life like she does . What would be the meaning to tune in and watch a different tenant at a different apartment simply be back from any outside social activities only to be naked and masturbate whenever this tenant feels so ? ( that Leora usually does at prime time - european - schedule ) .. The way I see it , me and thousand other subscribers pay for Leora’s dance classes , for Leora’s language lessons , for Leora’s beauty appointments , for Leora’s latest IPAD , Iphone and Apple Watch , some of the most expensive lingerie and cosmetics .. I totally get it that for you ( and thousand others as the views indicate ) a masturbation as a compensation is enough , for me , it is more that I would like to see but .. not forcing her to do so obviously but because she would feel to do so , then we could see different  things than what she has been doing in this apartment the last 22 months . I repeat , imagine if Masha for example who is under the same project like Leora would lead a same life , wouldn’t be any frustration posted justified ?


I don’t care also what she does outside , in a way I like that she has a life and she tries to enjoy the things that she doesn’t want to do ( ultimately share ) in front of the cameras . But for me , this is something I don’t appreciate and I criticize it , very strict at times as I have said . It is a life against all social interaction rules , moos54 , who is a long time viewer of RLC and one of the longest time members here has explained what RLC did to participants who behaved the way that Leora makes her “ private life under cameras 24/7 “ ( to use a  recent comment that you made if I am correct describing how you think of the site ) .


Apart from all that , I agree with the Brazilian but Pulo has also this nice image that he has posted a couple of times with pussy styles , so , she could maybe play this game with the fans here and check the reactions ☺️😇

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