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US General Domestic Politics #35 Begins 10/06/21.

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8 hours ago, happyone said:

Even CNN is trying to keep dishonest Biden to tow the line


In a speech in Michigan on Tuesday and again in a speech back in Washington on Friday, President Joe Biden touted the potential economic impact of his two major current legislative proposals: a $1...



8 hours ago, happyone said:

Serves the bitch right---run an unfriendly to business leftist state and this is the result


Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer has come under fire recently after Ford announced it will open electric vehicle and battery plants in Tennessee and Kentucky.


both articles went much further than your headlines which simply slams dems. 

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8 hours ago, happyone said:

Thank God that Merrick Garland was not appointed to the Supreme Court--he can't support parents right to tell schools what to teach, but rather calling it a disturbing trend that parents are taking action---yep the government and the left will decide what we teach and how we indoctrinate your kids.


Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell on Saturday told Attorney General Merrick Garland that parents "absolutely should be telling" local schools what to teach amid a debate over mask and vaccine...


here we go again. republican talking points are again distracting from reality. the phrase "critical race theory" is being used as a scare tactic again. and republicans simply want to scare everyone while cutting out the teaching of reality. mitch should have been put out to pasture long ago. he & the rest of the republicans have no plan for the future at all. they need to go. 

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4 minutes ago, golfer06 said:

here we go again. republican talking points are again distracting from reality. the phrase "critical race theory" is being used as a scare tactic again. and republicans simply want to scare everyone while cutting out the teaching of reality. mitch should have been put out to pasture long ago. he & the rest of the republicans have no plan for the future at all. they need to go. 


5 minutes ago, golfer06 said:

here we go again. republican talking points are again distracting from reality. the phrase "critical race theory" is being used as a scare tactic again. and republicans simply want to scare everyone while cutting out the teaching of reality. mitch should have been put out to pasture long ago. he & the rest of the republicans have no plan for the future at all. they need to go. 


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8 hours ago, happyone said:

Hunter Biden is facing renewed questions about whether his art career could pose a conflict of interest for his father's work in the Oval Office after recent images from a glitzy private showing shot across social...

Make sure you watch the video as well

it seems that the former guy & his family's shenanigans have been conveniently forgotten. what a surprise. much ado about nothing. until hunter starts to sell paintings from the white house who cares what he does?

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Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) suffered a major political scandal when he fled Texas during a fatal winter storm to vacation in Cancun, Mexico.In May, Cruz received scorn after attempting to joke about the incident.Cruz...


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Reflecting on new reports that Donald Trump was going to extraordinary lengths to undermine the 2020 presidential election results, the editorial board of the highly influential St. Louis...


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straight from oppositeland.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         


Donald Trump on Saturday revealed he continues to push his "Big Lie" of election fraud because of the applause it receives at his rallies.Trump's comments came at the same Iowa rally where he...


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Ahead of Donald Trump's Saturday campaign rally in Iowa, CNN anchor Jim Acosta publicly shamed Republicans who will be joining the former president on stage.Acosta warned that America is "becoming a nation...


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the traitors are turning against each other.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               


Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) and Trump-loving attorney L. Lin Wood are publicly feuding.While each is known as one of Trump's loudest supporters and both bought in to Trump's "Big Lie" of election...


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Reacting to disparaging comments Donald Trump made about Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell at his Iowa rally on Saturday night, CNN reported that Republican senators are also unhappy and sniping...


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11 hours ago, golfer06 said:

straight from oppositeland.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         


Donald Trump on Saturday revealed he continues to push his "Big Lie" of election fraud because of the applause it receives at his rallies.Trump's comments came at the same Iowa rally where he...


What a disgusting "human" being he is.

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