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US General Domestic Politics #35 Begins 10/06/21.

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4 hours ago, golfer06 said:

biden's failures can be traced to manchima. it's not rocket science. if dems stuck together to accomplish their goals the way that republicans stick together to block progress we would all see a much better country.

You mean like the 19 Republican senators who voted for the Democrat infrastructure bill?:huh:

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3 hours ago, golfer06 said:

Whatever else it may entail, under prior Congressional precedent it requires a single majority vote by both the Senate and the House of Representatives. In other words, It doesn’t require a supermajority, nor...


Democrats know they can't beat Trump in a fair election so they want to keep him from running by using the 14th Amendment. Typical liberal progressive socialist Marxist Democrat tactics.:dodgy:

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3 hours ago, golfer06 said:

Doing the Nuts & Bolts “What If..” and watching Disney+ ‘What If..?” series, I always think: what if the 2016 election were different. Oh, how different, and improved, our world would be right now. That’s it. That’s...


This article is pure insanity. 

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3 hours ago, golfer06 said:

Doing the Nuts & Bolts “What If..” and watching Disney+ ‘What If..?” series, I always think: what if the 2016 election were different. Oh, how different, and improved, our world would be right now. That’s it. That’s...


If Hillary Clinton had been elected president we would still be waiting for the FDA and CDC to give approval to our first Covid vaccine. 

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2 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

More ridiculous propaganda. The Russia/Trump collusion charge was all a hoax concocted by the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign, so there was nothing real for Mueller to investigate. The lawlessness and criming was conducted by the people who invented the Trump/Russia collusion hoax. The truth of those crimes will be revealed when Special Prosecutor John Durham completes his investigation.

OK Ridgerunner.  We'll be waiting.  🙄

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