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US General Domestic Politics #35 Begins 10/06/21.

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A new poll indicates that most Americans approve of the Biden administration's "Build Back Better" plan despite a limited number of respondents who are familiar with its details. The CBS News/YouGov...

I agree---

These results seem to indicate a possible disconnect between the Biden administration's policies and the desires of the American public.

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New Covid-19 numbers are trending in the right direction but are still "way too high," a top infectious diseases expert said. He said that can leave the US vulnerable to yet another surge.

In 45 states, the rates of new Covid-19 cases either declined or stayed relatively steady this past week compared to the previous week, according to data Saturday from Johns Hopkins University.

Five states -- Montana, Colorado, Minnesota, Michigan and Pennsylvania -- had at least 10% more new cases this past week compared to the previous week.

Great work Democrats!!!! Not--Above 5 states governors by political party.  Republican (Montana), next 4 are all Democrats.

Special recognition to Governor Whitmer-Democrat :sad:

About 52% of Michigan residents have been fully vaccinated -- lower than the national average of 56.4%, according to data Saturday from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).


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First Read is your briefing from "Meet the Press" and the NBC Political Unit on the day's most important political stories and why they matter.

Problems with both parties--so what else is new?????

Bottom line: If a losing president refuses to concede, if that same former president only gets stronger and stronger inside his party, and if many in that same party believe that Jan. 6 wasn’t a big deal, then we have a really significant problem on our hands.

Poll: Just 10 percent know "a lot" of the specifics of Biden's 'Build Back Better' plan

Back to the Democrats’ problems…

Read on in the article-------------

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This tactic just might be catching on for those who do not want Trump or his Republican supporters elected.


Top Republicans called on voters to block House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy from taking back the House in 2022, saying he "cannot be trusted to lead."


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Achieving compromise with one’s political opponents is difficult enough when you know what the other side wants. But identifying the possible grounds for political compromise is next to impossible if you don’t...

This has been widely known for a long time---Higher education is producing isolated Democrat liberals living in their own idea of "reality".

It seems that the longer liberals stay walled off in communities dominated by their own kind, which is exactly what higher education has become, the worse they are at understanding and empathizing with those who hold other views.

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By fleeing to the political extremes, a co-equal House of Congress is abdicating its lawmaking power.

This is because the House—whether controlled by Democrats or Republicans—now acts as if it were a unicameral legislature in a parliamentary system, rather than acknowledging that it is only one of two legislative chambers in a presidential system. It routinely passes partisan legislation that cannot pass in the Senate, because it is too far out of the American ideological center

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