Nick Posted May 21, 2014 Posted May 21, 2014
Skoobz Posted May 21, 2014 Posted May 21, 2014 Reminds me of the case near me where the child sex offender was a State Trooper. The happy ending in that was he killed himself after posting bail. The mother... how could she be so low with her own flesh and blood. Its really no myth that these losers will get whats coming to them in prison. ...That is if they make it to gen pop. And a positive sign from this article is that law enforcement seems to finally catch up technology wise to the free for all that the internet can afford certain "hobbies". I would like to see some penalization on the offender's family at sentencing. What that entails idk, but I think knowing it wouldnt just be them that faces the music would deter people from ever going down that road if it meant involving family members in their crimes.
TBG 150 Posted May 22, 2014 Posted May 22, 2014 I think that a glowing red hot steel rod about 4 inches in diameter and 20 inches long slowly inserted up the perpetrators asses until they slowed died in excruciating agony would be a great start. Then we could start with the Congress. ;D
ARMY SNIPER Posted May 22, 2014 Posted May 22, 2014 I didn't read it all because the farther i read the more mad i got,and just made me sick.I agree they should die,but not real quick.they should be made to suffer for a long time real bad.Death right off would be too good for this SCUM.Even if they had not been caught,GOD know's what is going on and the Devil will have a field day with this bunch. And so far as the old west...if the present day was like the old west,the world population would go down Real Fast.
TBG 150 Posted May 22, 2014 Posted May 22, 2014 got that shit right. And then there are the Liberals that think there are methods of rehabilitation.
woodworker Posted May 22, 2014 Posted May 22, 2014 What HMFIC had said is correct. For even Jesus once spoke out about this sort of thing, when He said,.. "Woe unto them that would offend one of these little ones, for it would be better for that person if they should have a millstone tied around their necks and be cast into the sea, than the judgment that awaits for them." Yes, like many, I still believe in Him.
ARMY SNIPER Posted May 23, 2014 Posted May 23, 2014 What HMFIC had said is correct. For even Jesus once spoke out about this sort of thing, when He said,.. "Woe unto them that would offend one of these little ones, for it would be better for that person if they should have a millstone tied around their necks and be cast into the sea, than the judgment that awaits for them." Yes, like many, I still believe in Him. Thank You do I it makes me very sad to learn of happening's like this.I spent 25 years in the Fire and Rescue service as a Volunteer and have saw a lot of stuff that has really broke my heart.People that WISH they had their family members (from tiny babies to grownups)back from death to hold them and love them...then this scum treats theirs this way.there is literally thousands of firefighters and rescue people that has witnessed things of the same nature as i have that could say the same thing.i have literally cried while holding a tiny baby in my arms wishing i could have saved its life and hand it over to its crying young mother.Well thats enough about that.All i know is that in HELL there will be STANDING ROOM ONLY. Have a Good Day WoodWorker and Thank You Again ;)
ARMY SNIPER Posted May 23, 2014 Posted May 23, 2014 got that shit right. And then there are the Liberals that think there are methods of rehabilitation. there is Rehab you said...Buy Lead ;)
TBG 150 Posted May 23, 2014 Posted May 23, 2014 And here I was all ready to be lambasted. Instead I received praise. Mucho Gracias. I posted Nick's link on another board and the reaction is the same. With all of the freaky people running around that will do anything a sic mind mind can dream up, why must they hurt children? All they are doing is creating another freak for the world to contend with. Many of these children are mindfucked for the rest of their lives. It never goes away. There are all sorts of freaks out there that will dress up in diapers and shit in your mouth if that's what you like. There are bitches that are so loose you have to shove in a 10 pound ham and pull out the bone to make them tight again. If it's a tight hole you want, pay them a few hundred of give them a rock, they'll do it for you. But for fucks sake, leave the children alone.
Aubrey Posted May 23, 2014 Posted May 23, 2014 In a world where all sorts of behaviour are accepted, surely the one true evil that everyone can agree on is the harming or taking away the innocence of children. sick fuckers.
Guest Pirate Posted May 23, 2014 Posted May 23, 2014 In a world where all sorts of behaviour are accepted, surely the one true evil that everyone can agree on is the harming or taking away the innocence of children. sick fuckers. Well said, even we can agree on that one.
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