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8 minutes ago, ddhm said:

Leora is alone .. she has no one else to care or love but herself and how her pussy and tits and ass appear on camera .. or how her body has zero black spots or any “ anomalies “ or things that don’t “ write / persuade / attract “ the cameras attention . 

LB or Paul , Malia or Dennis , salon friends or outsiders she knows in Prague , Leora has only one love and that is herself .. and that’s why she is alone , single , emotionless , unhappy of what you see inside . A woman trapped in her own life choices . 

And before I get the laughing and confused emojis by the usual suspects , think really deeply if you believe that Leora is expressing any honest happiness emotion except reading about her eternal praising of having performed ( one more ) an awesome masturbation .


People exist in Leora’s life but they are all “ invisible “ , “ unimportant “ .. if she would think of them as important or of great significance and was trusting them completely , she wouldn’t hide her job and what she does for a living , she would have told them as much as of her “ streaming “ job and she would never hesitate or dare to bring them in a place that for her she feels proud working . 

You always show yourself and present things that you feel proud . She feels proud of what she does on cameras and to the fans and that’s why she’s an exhibitionist .. but it is insane that she feels ashamed to share her job to her circle in Prague . 

I think she is afraid of not being understood by others. And after all, how can you explain such a thing? How do you explain it to your lover, or whatever it is, that you masturbate in front of thousands of people a day for money and that maybe some evenings you can't go out because you have to please these people who pay to see you(And in all of this you have to make sure that it doesn't mean that money comes before your relationship ... wishes you try.)? On the one hand, even if stupid, I understand why she doesn't want to invite anyone but Denis. Denis more or less knows what's going on and Paul is the only one who has been with Leora on rlc. How would others understand if they never found themselves in her position?

5 minutes ago, patou said:

Je ne vois pas leora elle est sortie ???

Unless she's been in the bathroom for more than half an hour (and it seems like too much time to just shave) I think she's out. I haven't even seen if she only went out in a bathrobe or dressed at the speed of light.

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21 minutes ago, ddhm said:

Leora is alone .. she has no one else to care or love but herself and how her pussy and tits and ass appear on camera .. or how her body has zero black spots or any “ anomalies “ or things that don’t “ write / persuade / attract “ the cameras attention . 

LB or Paul , Malia or Dennis , salon friends or outsiders she knows in Prague , Leora has only one love and that is herself .. and that’s why she is alone , single , emotionless , unhappy of what you see inside . A woman trapped in her own life choices . 

And before I get the laughing and confused emojis by the usual suspects , think really deeply if you believe that Leora is expressing any honest happiness emotion except reading about her eternal praising of having performed ( one more ) an awesome masturbation .


People exist in Leora’s life but they are all “ invisible “ , “ unimportant “ .. if she would think of them as important or of great significance and was trusting them completely , she wouldn’t hide her job and what she does for a living , she would have told them as much as of her “ streaming “ job and she would never hesitate or dare to bring them in a place that for her she feels proud working . 

You always show yourself and present things that you feel proud . She feels proud of what she does on cameras and to the fans and that’s why she’s an exhibitionist .. but it is insane that she feels ashamed to share her job to her circle in Prague . 

i have the feeling after u will release the biography of masha that u r already working on leora biography,

College Read GIF by Michele Bruttomesso

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28 minutes ago, ddhm said:

Leora is alone .. she has no one else to care or love but herself and how her pussy and tits and ass appear on camera .. or how her body has zero black spots or any “ anomalies “ or things that don’t “ write / persuade / attract “ the cameras attention . 

LB or Paul , Malia or Dennis , salon friends or outsiders she knows in Prague , Leora has only one love and that is herself .. and that’s why she is alone , single , emotionless , unhappy of what you see inside . A woman trapped in her own life choices . 

And before I get the laughing and confused emojis by the usual suspects , think really deeply if you believe that Leora is expressing any honest happiness emotion except reading about her eternal praising of having performed ( one more ) an awesome masturbation .


People exist in Leora’s life but they are all “ invisible “ , “ unimportant “ .. if she would think of them as important or of great significance and was trusting them completely , she wouldn’t hide her job and what she does for a living , she would have told them as much as of her “ streaming “ job and she would never hesitate or dare to bring them in a place that for her she feels proud working . 

You always show yourself and present things that you feel proud . She feels proud of what she does on cameras and to the fans and that’s why she’s an exhibitionist .. but it is insane that she feels ashamed to share her job to her circle in Prague . 

shes not alone, she have us the peasan

beyonce queen GIF

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35 minutes ago, ddhm said:

Leora is alleen .. ze heeft niemand anders om om te geven of van te houden dan zichzelf en hoe haar poesje en tieten en kont op de camera verschijnen .. of hoe haar lichaam nul zwarte vlekken heeft of enige "afwijkingen" of dingen die niet "schrijven / overtuigen / trekken “de aandacht van de camera's. 

LB of Paul, Malia of Dennis, salonvrienden of buitenstaanders die ze kent in Praag, Leora heeft maar één liefde en dat is zijzelf... en daarom is ze alleen, vrijgezel, emotieloos, ongelukkig met wat je van binnen ziet. Een vrouw gevangen in haar eigen levenskeuzes. 

En voordat ik de lachende en verwarde emoji's van de gebruikelijke verdachten krijg, denk echt diep na als je gelooft dat Leora enige oprechte geluksemotie uitdrukt, behalve het lezen over haar eeuwige lof over het feit dat ze (nog een keer) een geweldige masturbatie heeft uitgevoerd.


Er bestaan mensen in Leora's leven, maar ze zijn allemaal "onzichtbaar", "onbelangrijk" .. als ze ze als belangrijk of van groot belang zou beschouwen en ze volledig zou vertrouwen, zou ze haar baan en wat ze voor de kost doet niet verbergen , ze zou hen net zoveel hebben verteld als over haar " streaming " baan en ze zou nooit aarzelen of durven om ze op een plek te brengen waar ze voor haar trots is om te werken . 

Je laat jezelf altijd zien en presenteert dingen waar je trots op bent. Ze is trots op wat ze doet op camera's en op de fans en daarom is ze een exhibitionist .. maar het is krankzinnig dat ze zich schaamt om haar baan te delen met haar kring in Praag . 

Stel je eens voor, je vriendin waar je al meer dan een jaar bij bent en ze nodigt je uit op haar app. je ziet daar al die camera's hangen en zij verteld je doodleuk dat dit haar werkplaats is , hier bewonderen duizenden fans mijn masturbaties, de liefde zou vlug over zijn.

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il y a une heure, ddhm a dit :

Leora est seule .. elle n'a personne d'autre à qui s'occuper ou à aimer qu'elle-même et comment sa chatte, ses seins et son cul apparaissent à la caméra .. ou comment son corps n'a aucun point noir ou aucune "anomalie" ou des choses qui n'écrivent pas / persuader / attirer " l' attention des caméras . 

LB ou Paul , Malia ou Dennis , amis de salon ou étrangers qu'elle connaît à Prague , Leora n'a qu'un seul amour et c'est elle .. et c'est pourquoi elle est seule , célibataire , sans émotion , mécontente de ce que vous voyez à l' intérieur . Une femme piégée dans ses propres choix de vie. 

Et avant que je reçoive les emojis rieurs et confus des suspects habituels, réfléchissez bien si vous pensez que Leora exprime une émotion de bonheur honnête, sauf en lisant ses éloges éternels d'avoir effectué (une de plus) une masturbation impressionnante.


Les gens existent dans la vie de Leora mais ils sont tous « invisibles », « sans importance ». , elle leur en aurait parlé autant que de son travail de « streaming » et elle n'hésiterait ni n'oserait jamais les amener dans un endroit où elle se sent fière de travailler pour elle. 

Vous vous montrez toujours et présentez des choses dont vous êtes fier. Elle se sent fière de ce qu'elle fait devant les caméras et les fans et c'est pourquoi elle est une exhibitionniste .. mais c'est fou qu'elle ait honte de partager son travail avec son entourage à Prague . 

léora est une personne hypersensible extravertie

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