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Leora - Home Activities #74

pulo filipe

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Another thing that i understand from this phone call is that surely all of her problems of these days do not come from Paul or from whatever is going on in Russia. If something had happened to Eva or any of Leora's relatives they would have talked about it. Instead they are talking about something else.

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2 minutes ago, Brokk! said:

Well, it still looks pretty quiet compared to yesterday. And it is another proof that if she was in a bad mood yesterday it was for other reasons.


I made a list of reasons yesterday  …

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10 minutes ago, The Earl said:

What happened yesterday is still completely unclear to me .....

Well, we can rule out that she had a fight with Paul or that something happened to Eva or that her father was sick. I would say that the reasons are all related to things that happened there in Prague, I don't see many other alternatives to be so bad as to cry for half a day and not eat anything.

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7 minutes ago, Brokk! said:

Nun, wir können ausschließen, dass sie sich mit Paul gestritten hat oder dass Eva etwas zugestoßen ist oder ihr Vater krank war. Ich würde sagen, dass die Gründe alle mit den Dingen zusammenhängen, die dort in Prag passiert sind, ich sehe nicht viele andere Alternativen, die so schlimm sind, einen halben Tag zu weinen und nichts zu essen.

It is possible.

We have to wait because everything is still very unclear.

You are right about paul.

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I'm not sure, i think this is Paul as she mentioned her father a few minutes ago, but in a 'Him', not 'You' sense. But i'm catching up so far.

She talked to Paul earlier as well.

Around 10 to 6 this morning, someone was texting her and making her smile, right now i do think if LB played part of yesterday, that bit at least has been sorted out late last night.

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