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Barcelona Apt. #2 - General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos (Sept. 2016) #2

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8 minutes ago, winnlove said:

Ce matin, on voyait Rebecca dans sa chambre en train de ranger des choses, dont son ordi, dans sa valise. On suppose donc qu'elle va partir. Dans le même temps, une valise est prête dans le salon (Barcelone1) aujourd'hui aussi, coïncidence assez flagrante!! Un échange d'une fille à une autre serait envisageable entre appartement 1 et 2?

I would avoid that forum for a few days if she was replaced by a man :)

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il y a 12 minutes, smurfy08 a dit :

I would avoid that forum for a few days if she was replaced by a man :)

Je ne pense pas. Je ne l'espère pas non plus! Mais personne ne sait qui va partir de Barcelone 1...Si transfert il y a entre les 2 appartements...peut être pas. 

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Well Barca apartments are just strange now,things start going wrong way with opening of the second apartment..the other night as good but the hairy dude now it's basically every night in any of the apartments..he isn't nice to look at,not funny,nothing,most of the time he just look creepy as hell..just looked at barca1 livingroom ant it's almost as dirty as it was in after party..balloons all over the place,floor covered of things..doesn't any of the girls feels bad to be in such dirty place!?Talking just from my personal opinion..if my livingroom(or the place I lived)was all dirty I would clean it the minimal so that way I would feel more vonfortable..probable will gona have another party so they are letting things on for days..so that way no need for do almost nothing..well miss the days we had only nice girls in one apartment in barca..with llona..Irma..hope this things that are happen are just an one time thing and things back to track.

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Guest beaver67
2 minutes ago, ze81 said:

Well Barca apartments are just strange now,things start going wrong way with opening of the second apartment..the other night as good but the hairy dude now it's basically every night in any of the apartments..he isn't nice to look at,not funny,nothing,most of the time he just look creepy as hell..just looked at barca1 livingroom ant it's almost as dirty as it was in after party..balloons all over the place,floor covered of things..doesn't any of the girls feels bad to be in such dirty place!?Talking just from my personal opinion..if my livingroom(or the place I lived)was all dirty I would clean it the minimal so that way I would feel more vonfortable..probable will gona have another party so they are letting things on for days..so that way no need for do almost nothing..well miss the days we had only nice girls in one apartment in barca..with llona..Irma..hope this things that are happen are just an one time thing and things back to track.

Ze- I am the same as you- my apartment was always clean, even after parties, and as far as the state of the barc apartments- it all started when ape man shoed up- before that it was nice-- just saying

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