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Leora - Atividades Domésticas # 76

pulo filipe

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4 minutes ago, Brokk! said:

Hopefully there is no more bad news.

What bad news ? That her out of apartment activities weren’t nice and she didn’t enjoy and she’s going to tell Paul ? Or that she was the crying girl and suddenly it was like nothing happened ? 

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Después de estar fuera de casa, el día de ayer y gran parte de el de hoy, fuera de las cámaras , donde puede hablar largo y tendido sobre sus cosas, las conversaciones que no quiere que se traduzcan. Llega a casa y se va a llamar por teléfono casi dos horas, Es un gran interés lo que la Reina siente por sus adeptos. 


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12 minutes ago, taxio said:


Luckily , your opinion can be presented here in such a great way as you expressed it .. it is good that the  ( not negative but positive approval ) reactions prove the prejudice in this thread .. 

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2 minutes ago, taxio said:

After being away from home yesterday and much of today, away from the cameras, where you can talk at length about your things, the conversations you don't want translated. He arrives home and is going to be called by phone for almost two hours. It is a great interest what the Queen feels for her followers. 


But she is speaking to her Father, so there will be private things, not everything is for public is it, let's be fair on that front. That is something we can understand.

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1 minute ago, taxio said:

Después de estar fuera de casa, el día de ayer y gran parte de el de hoy, fuera de las cámaras , donde puede hablar largo y tendido sobre sus cosas, las conversaciones que no quiere que se traduzcan. Llega a casa y se va a llamar por teléfono casi dos horas, Es un gran interés lo que la Reina siente por sus adeptos. 


The return to the prison , how could it be any different ? She enjoyed her life outside , she had fun , she was herself  , freedom , friends , real life .. unfortunately for her she had to return because of her working duties and obligations .. 


We said it earlier , same 💩 different day . Show must go on by all means necessary . 

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2 minutes ago, Slipper Guyquad said:

Pero ella está hablando con su padre, así que habrá cosas privadas, no todo es para público, seamos justos en ese frente. Eso es algo que podemos entender.

efectivamente!, pero su padre es padre las 24 horas de el día, no hay por que venir a casa, ponerse un camisón y la bata y volver a  salir a la calle a hacerlo

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8 minutes ago, Slipper Guyquad said:

But she is speaking to her Father, so there will be private things, not everything is for public is it, let's be fair on that front. That is something we can understand.

I am sorry , but she could make this yesterday and outside of the cameras since she was spending her day away .. and not only to him , but to Paul , to anyone ..But no , she needs to come back , watch TV ( which is perfectly fine ) and when she has her private things that need to be done , it has to happen at almost 04:00 am Russian time and of course when she’s back .. I guess she has also her private life in Russia hidden too with whoever she interacts outside of the apartment and therefore no phonecalls to her private and close family people back in Russia . 

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8 hours ago, taxio said:

Indeed !, but his father is a father 24 hours a day, there is no reason to come home, put on a nightgown and robe and go out to the street to do it again

But we have no idea - He has been unwell and maybe this is the first time she has been able to speak to him. There are certain things we can give allowances too.

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