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Barcelona Apt. #2 - General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos (Nov. 2016) #2

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3 hours ago, Blue&Bonnie said:

Michelle is unpacking 2 big bags of groceries in apt 2. So it look like she not going back two apt 1 no time soon. Well i had hope in her but not now. That apt is jinxed. I also notice that Michelle will show nudity around Belle but she won't show nudity around Sia or Jasmin or take a shower.

As usual you are wrong Bonnie. :biggrin: I missed you.

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My Belle :heart: dressed to exercise. Didn't change out of her sexy pink panties though. I miss the B1 days (before Jasmin) when sometimes instead of the Calvin's she would exercise in skimpy panties. Again i am not blaming Jasmin but it was after seeing Jasmin exercise in her get up that My Belle started doing the same whereas in B1 there was topless exerciser Stella.

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4 minutes ago, Noldus said:

Remember Carolina kissed Jas tits and she liked it 

Oh yes I remember that and something sexy happened in the shower, Caro's room and the LR. Jasmin is not unsexual - I think maybe she does not like the full act from what she says, rather like Becca and bating.

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30 minutes ago, BBsq69 said:

She definitely goes through phases but I detect no issue except with Jasmin at first which was funny because she didn't know that Jasmin had walked naked through the house a couple of times and in front of Becca at the time so it was not really necessary. The naked dancing she does not do in front of Jasmin but I think did while Sia was there. However it is now many days since naked dancing happened while it was light and yet in the first couple of days of being in the room we had her giving her best pussy shots ever and she danced naked twice. I think maybe she is just good sat showing what she wants because on the bed and the couch Rebecca showed more (I believe - I was mainly watching My Belle as usual) she does hid ethe detail well. A couple of days ago she had very long period of having a pussy point at Cam 8 at the far end of the bed but no detail could be made out so maybe she knows what she is doing.

BTW earlier there was another longish batch of texting on the toilet ... it's OK My Belle we can't see what you are texting.

Yes i think its very important that they read this and know 100% the cams are not high resolution enough for us to read there phones ! There is no reason for them to hide away to text thinking we can see. Girls we can' t read your texts ! :heart:

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In the rain I go out to do the leaves and what happens I come back to discover Michelle naked on the couch having clearly had another shower/bath. As soon as I am not watching stuff always happens so with me out for the next 2 days and it struck me they'll want to take stitches out so that will be another day as the hospital isn't close ... wait a minute she already put water in the bath and hadn't taken it. OK I didn't miss it after all. 2 baths in one day but does she know we can't see her kitty!

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